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Spotlight on Michelle Berlin of Living Right Brain™

Name: Michelle Berlin
Company Name: Living Right Brain™
Website: http://www.livingrightbrain.com

Note from Jenn: Michelle Berlin of Living Right Brain participated in the Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit earlier this year and it’s so cool to see what she and her sister are launching now. You’ll be inspired by all of the goals they’ve already accomplished and how they’re infusing their intuition and passion for art into their creative business. Congrats! (All photos below courtesy of Deidre Lynn.)

Business Plan Spotlight

What is your business and what makes your business unique?

Living Right Brain.
Daily Creativity.
Create Art – Create Dreams- One Step At A Time

We, my sister and I, are in the ‘reaching your goals through creativity’ business.
We are a source for downloadable art projects and creative coaching tools.
We have just launched our site (thanks to Jenn!) and we will be adding new items as fast as we can produce them!

View our first video Affirmation Celebration ‘Leaves’ and let us know what you think!

What makes us unique is that we are striving to create a line of projects that are designed to help move you closer to your dreams easily and with creativity, giving you a sense of satisfaction and clarity through art. It will be a beautiful site with daily inspirations, a community gallery, input and sharing.

How has the Right-Brain Business Plan® helped you? What is different for you and your business after approaching planning in a creative, visual way?

Before I found Jenn and the RBBP I had no sense of direction.
I had way too many ideas and I thought every one of them was too good to let go.
I didn’t see any way to compile all of these ideas into something cohesive until I signed up for Jenns RBBP course and it changed everything for me! I found the tools I needed to see where my strengths were and what was okay to let go of.

What goals (big or small) on your business plan have you already accomplished or have made progress on?

Got our domain name!
Figured out our content!
Getting our name a trademark!
Made our first video!
Launching our site!
Getting my ARTbundance coaching certification!
Signed up for more Coachville courses!
Organizing my studio for more videos to come!

How do you use your creative intuition in your work?

My entire business is about creative intuition! My goal is to move your life forward with ease and grace through art and creativity. Part of what I learned in Jenn’s course is that you will move forward if you love what you do and I really love creating art with a purpose.

What’s your vision for your business?

To have a successful online business supplying creative coaching tools and projects that will help guide people to their goals through art. It will be so amazing to wake up every day knowing that my art is helping to make people happy and healthy

What advice do you have for other creative entrepreneurs?

Listen to your heart, what do you really want to do? Put it down in black and white or pink and purple- just get it out there and start living it! Even if it’s just for tiny moments at a time- it will feed your soul!


Is there anything you’d like to share about your Right-Brain Business Plan® in terms of what it’s made out of or how you made it?

‘Business plan’ isn’t a dirty word!

Creative Resources

Click here for more information about Michelle Berlin.

The Right-Brain Business Plan® Kit is available now.

Access a multimedia library of interviews and resources from the Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit and order the book The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative, Visual Map for Success.

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  • Melanie Hill August 8, 2011, 12:51 pm

    I loved Michelle’s site. I would have sent a comment there but “contact” is set up to open in Outlook and I don’t yet have Outlook set up on this new computer and may not. It is so elegant(as in works elegantly) and beautiful (as in WOW!).

    I found myself feeling envious of her letting that! come out of her. And I’ve been wanting to create products and coaching. This was a great example and now that I’ve seen it done and her encouragement to let it out, I want to be expressing myself. Was it the RBBP, home study, she was talking about?

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The Right-Brain Business Plan®