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Spotlight on Jen Landis of Pincurl Girls

Name: Jen Landis
Company Name: Pincurl Girls
Website: http://www.pincurlgirls.com

Note from Jenn: I *heart* this week’s spotlight on Jen Landis of Pincurl Girls. Her message about encouraging girls and women to love themselves is perfect for Valentine’s Day! Jen created these fabulous “Believe in Yourself” bracelets that help remind you to think happy thoughts throughout the day. What can you pat yourself on the back for today? (All images courtesy of Jen Landis.)

Business Plan Spotlight

What is your business and what makes your business unique?

All of my products are made with the intention to encourage happiness and positive thinking. My goal is to encourage girls and woman to love, express and believe in themselves.

How has the Right-Brain Business Plan™ helped you? What is different for you and your business after approaching planning in a creative, visual way?

The Right-Brain Business Plan™ was a huge step for me in creating my business plan. I had been procrastinating writing a business plan for a while because I didn’t know where to start. And truthfully the old fashioned way of writing a business plan seemed boring and not very much fun. So when I came across this plan I was very interested in it. Finally being able to put something down on paper was just the start I needed. By using magazine clippings and art supplies, I felt the freedom to enjoy myself and dream big.

What goals (big or small) on your business plan have you already accomplished or have made progress on?

Taking the time work on the The Right-Brain Business Plan™ made me attach real concrete time lines to my goals. I have always had goals in my head but it wasn’t until I put them on paper that I really took ownership of them. For example, one of my 2011 goals is to sell my work to 100 shops across the U.S. I already have 6 shops purchasing Pincurl Girl products now, only 94 to go!

How do you use your creative intuition in your work?

My creative intuition influences 100% of my work. The Pincurl girls teach and give me ideas all the time. So far they are leading me in the right direction.

What’s your vision for your business?

2011 will bring a successful list of wholesale and online sales. I also want to continue to speak girl groups and organizations and help them raise money by selling the Pincurl Girl products.

What advice do you have for other creative entrepreneurs?

Imagine your successes as if they are already here. Feel for that feeling of excitement you get after achieving a goal and milk those good feelings for as much as you can. The more you think about what you want the quicker it will come to you.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Girls’ self-esteem on average peaks at about nine years old, but drastically falls in the coming preteen years. According to the NYU Child Study Center by the age of 13 girls are twice as likely to become depressed as boys. The “Believe in Yourself” and “I Believe in Myself” bracelets encourage teen girls and women to think positive thoughts. Each time she thinks or does something nice for herself or another, she moves a bracelet to the other wrist. The goal is to do this 12 times a day.  Positive thoughts = self confidence and happiness!

Love, express and believe in yourself at http://www.pincurlgirls.com

Creative Resources

Last month the Lincoln Journal Star did a wonderful write-up of Jen’s journey. I’m sure it will inspire you.

Click here for more information about Jen Landis

Click here for the upcoming Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit and here to pre-order the book The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative, Visual Map for Success.

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