Guest post by by Cass Mullane, Accountability Coach, Right-Brain Business Plan® Licensed Facilitator, Prosper Creatively, LLC
Do you live like you mean it?
When you wake up in the morning do you eagerly anticipate what the day is going to bring? Do you look forward to your daily routines as well as the surprises?
Do you treat each day as a new adventure?
Living like you mean it requires you to be authentic. You have to be comfortable with who you are and where you’ve chosen to focus your energies. You have to know your passions and not be afraid to own them.
You don’t spend your time looking back, you spend it consistently showing up and being fully present. You work hard at what’s important to you and do not quit when obstacles show up or the going gets a little rough. You have equipped yourself to make the hard decisions and to take responsibility for your actions.
You also know to keep an eye on the future.
When you do live like you mean it, you will find yourself in the unique position of having the opportunity to make a much greater impact in your world. You show up consistently and fully engaged as a business person and a creative. You are better equipped to take on the “big” things and see them through. This gives you an innate power and brings forth confidence. And the people you interact with will immediately sense it.
I want to tell you about someone I know who lives like she means it. Her name is Jane Beeder and she is a wonderful jewelry artist and business woman. She grew up in Virginia, Iran and Lebanon and developed a love of beads early on in her life. She is a world traveler, well read, politically savvy and a lifelong learner. She’s a seasoned professional who has done her art for decades, yet she is equally comfortable being a complete beginner and taking classes outside her medium.
She is consistently busy making and selling her art and actively engaging people that wander into her studio with conversations about the state of our world, art, music, politics, business, whatever strikes their fancy. Each time I see her she is intriguing, whether it’s the clothing she’s wearing or the expression on her face, and I wonder what delightful conversation we’ll have that day. She is a woman who is comfortable in her skin and who is ready to take on whatever comes her way. She inspires me. Oh, did I mention that she is 80 years old?
Or should I say, was 80. She died a few weeks ago. Now she is one of the many invisible creative cohorts who continue to have an impact on me. She reminds me to be strong, to be confident and to simply enjoy being me.
Jane Beeder lived like she meant it, every day.
Go out and live like you mean it!
That success is the first slip of paper in my Cool Stuff Jar for 2015. So now I’m kicking off my Best Year Ever!
Cass Mullane’s calm, comfortable approach consistently yields positive results for clients. Her business and personal coaching practice,, specializes in delivering solid left brain business skills to right brainers and creatives in a fun, visual way. She’s a best selling author, textile and mixed media artist and creator of the Cool Stuff Jar™ coaching program. You can also visit Cass on Facebook!