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Anchor for Smooth Sailing and Growth

Guest post by licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitator Amy Egenberger

What anchors you? When it comes to growing your creative entrepreneur-ship, it’s important to prepare. What will steady the voyage through times of change? People, processes and controls.

In a recent MOOC (massive online open course) I completed about growing a small business, the professor highlighted these key provisions. To successfully grow a small business, you need people, processes and controls in place.

How is your business doing in these three areas?

Many of us are solopreneurs, but that doesn’t mean we are alone. In fact, we never really do anything alone. Look around. Who are the people you want aboard for the next leg of your business journey? If you don’t see them on your radar screen, describe them. Jot down the talents and traits someone would need to become a part of your growing-business team. Then keep your eyes open for such crew to show up.

For example, after three years of leading a meetup group, I finally looked around and wondered who might co-lead. There she was! An ideal fit to team up with me, and since she stepped up, attendance and participation has grown, too. I’m doing less and our customers receive more.

How do operations happen in your business? What is the flow from customer contact to purchase to delivery to follow-up? Maybe it’s time to record what you do. Then consider how it could be improved through technology, automation or other creative changes. Figure out a way to communicate your business processes. Like in a captain’s log or user manual, you’ll want the how-to’s articulated so that when all hands are needed on deck, your team will know how things run on your particular ship.

In my case, I do too much of my communications by hand. By sketching out the flow chart of what I currently do, I’ll be poised to find the assistance the meets the need.

What quality checks do you need or already have in place? As you grow and let go of being the one to do absolutely everything, you still want to keep a handle on quality controls. You want to trust that your customers can count on the same great products and services from your brand.

For instance, when I’m ready to contract more teachers to facilitate the learning modules I’m creating, I’ll need to create agreements and understanding on the Spirit Out! experience we stand for and deliver.

A few ways to start:
1. Acknowledge those who are currently contributing to your business. (This necessarily includes you!) Write out job descriptions, present and future, to make way for hiring help.
2. Make a flow chart or graphic organizer to depict the key processes in your biz.
3. Identify ways to ensure quality and integrity of your brand both now and moving forward.

Whether you are deciding to grow your business now, or are dreaming of expanding someday, you’ll want to give weight to these three essentials: people, processes and controls.

Anchors aweigh!

Making way for creative action, Amy Egenberger, MEd., CPCC, is proud to be a Licensed Facilitator of the Right Brain Business Plan®. She is a seasoned educator, life coach, artist and founder of Spirit Out! Coaching. Amy helps people find the courage and clarity to get moving on their creative path. A book, a business, a project, a change… your creative spirit gets out! Amy is one of our licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitators.

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