It’s a very exciting time for me right now as my book is to be published in a few short weeks! Yippee! I’ve been laser focused on this project for a while and now I’ve got to shift back into my regular business operations… or do I?
When you’re fully immersed in a big project, you naturally exclude other things from your field of vision in order to get the project done. This is great as it can really help you get your priorities straight. Then it’s easy to clear your plate of the things that really are not important or can be done by someone else.
That being said, sometimes it’s a challenge as you try to get back in to the normal swing of things. You might forget what was next on the to do list, you might find your priorities have significantly changed, you might even forget what your life was like before the project. The thing to remember is, all you’re doing is adjusting to a new normal.
When the manuscript went off to the book designer and while I await the proofs to make final tweaks, I have to get back into the rhythm of my business. The thing is, it’s all different now. I’ve made changes in my coaching practice, I’ve added new workshops, I’ve added retreats, I’ve changed my priorities and I find myself looking at a whole new way of making a living. I certainly did not expect this when I decided to make the push to finish the manuscript and get this puppy published.
When you think about it, you adapt to changes routinely as a human being. You are in a constant state of flux with everything from the way you think about things to simply responding to the weather. What happens is you adapt naturally and don’t really notice that you’re changing. However, when a change is triggered by something big, like a job change, a new baby or moving to a new location, you tend to notice that your behavior is different. It feels like you’re looking at the world through different lenses.
This is the opportunity to pay really close attention to what will become your new normal. After all, you are in charge of you. You are in charge of how you think and how you feel. You get to choose how you respond and what you decide is important now, what can slide off the plate. What a great opportunity to start fresh!
Naturally, when you adapt to a new normal it affects those around you like your clients, colleagues, friends and family. You should be aware that while you may be well down the road to adapting to a new normal, they need to go through the same process of adapting to a new you.
The next time you feel yourself going through a change, remember that you are in charge… what will you choose to create as your new normal?
Cass Mullane is an artist with an MBA. Cass Mullane’s calm, comfortable approach consistently yields positive results for clients. Her business and personal coaching practice,, specializes in delivering solid left brain business skills to right brainers and creatives in a fun, visual way. She’s a best selling author, a contemporary abstract artist and creator of the Cool Stuff Jar™ Retreats.You can also visit Cass on Facebook!
Hi. First off, I just want to say I love your whole deal here. I think your methods and vision of life and how it inevitable flows through everything you do and are, is amazingly spot on. I have ADHD and I wish I had the executive function to pull off the amazing things you have seemed to have done with your life so far.
I just launched a craft tutorial site, but the project I really want to get going is a blog about mindfulness for “everyday moms.” I don’t know if I’ll ever get it together enough to launch, but at least its been fun thinking about.