Last week I was in Vancouver for the Wealthy Thought Leader event which is hosted by my amazing mentor Andrea J. Lee. This was my third time attending the conference (last year I got to do a presentation about leading my first video summit!). As always, the event is innovative and thought-provoking and I had so000 many take-aways.
I’ll highlight just a few of those take-aways here:
- Create experiences using the 5 senses to create more value and impact. Participants will gain new insights through being fully present to what they see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. Hey, Andrea even had us eating raisins and wearing clown noses to drive the point home! For me, designing experiences often includes getting hands on with creative mediums like collage and other expressive arts. It’s always so cool to see the a-has that people get from making their visual Right-Brain Business Plans or from doing a quick doodle. I’m excited about incorporate some of the other senses in new ways, too.
- Lead in a collaborative “circle” formation rather than a top-down triangle. So much more insights and connections happen when there is a shared responsibility for the learning instead of an expert lecturing at everyone. I really love how the interactive nature of chat on Livestream fosters a virtual circle. We definitely felt the power of a shared learning environment on the super-active chat room during the Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit last month.
- Do a beta. Rather than waiting until you have every last detail figured out, test out an idea to help you improve it by getting feedback from your customers. It’s a great way to set expectations for yourself that things won’t be perfect and it will help you gain momentum more quickly. After all, as Andrea says you won’t know if your fabulous pie-in-the-sky creative idea is an actual business idea until that first dollar exchanges hands between you and your customer. And why not know that sooner rather than later after you’ve invested too much time and money into something that’s not working. You can always tweak things as you go.
- The line for “free” has moved. Since there is such an overload of information, the “pink spoon” free report or MP3 isn’t necessarily enough anymore to help you stand out. That’s where creating experiences and leading in circle formation add a new layer of value. And that’s why I’m really enjoying playing around with Livestream through the video summit and with occasional live video chats as a way to connect with my peeps. I’m able to directly engage with the right-brain entrepreneur community and learn from them, too! Plus, since I’m trying new things with it, it’s a way for me to “beta” ideas and concepts in a safe space.
I’ll be practicing some of these learnings next week as I lead a brand-new, free video class. It’s called Assessing Your Left-Brain Business Know-How: What right-brain entrepreneurs can’t overlook and how to get started.
You’ll learn how to do a simple and fun assessment of your left-brain business know-how, you’ll discover what left-brain data is important to track (plus how to get it and what the heck to do with it), and more!
Let’s face it, even if you’re a creative person, you need your right AND left brains to work better together to build a sustainable and profitable business.
I’ll also be sharing about my upcoming Right-Brain Entrepreneur Mentorship program where I’ll personally guide you through making your big vision real and making more moola!
I hope to “see” you online next week. Make sure to grab your free “seat” in the circle here.