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Wanna lead Right-Brain Business Plan® workshops?

Are you a coach, consultant, educator, facilitator, artist, or creative soul who wants to turn passion into profit?

Want to help other creative entrepreneurs grow their business?

Well, over the past three years I've heard from so many of you how much you want to bring the Right-Brain Business Plan's accessible and intuitive approach to your clients. I reached out earlier this year to ask what you'd be looking for in a licensing program and got great responses (thanks!). And now I'm excited to let you know that we recently launched the Right-Brain Business Plan® licensing program so that you can apply to lead workshops in your area! This is brand-spanking new territory for me. Developing something like this certainly has a steep learning curve plus lots o' left-brain details to boot - haha! (Good thing my attorney became a right-brain convert and - to help us get pass a roadblock - requested that I draw pictures for him to diagram out the program!).

Learn my secrets for leading successful workshops

The licensing program gives you the materials and instruction you need to guide in-person groups and individual clients through this innovative program based on my bestselling book, The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative, Visual Map for Success.

You'll receive:

  • A focused training session (brief and online cuz I know you wanna get going right away)
  • A 150+ page facilitator playbook that guides you through leading the workshop
  • All the tips and tricks I know for effectively running groups
  • Marketing materials, directory listing, promotion
  • And so much more!

No more spinning your wheels or wasting your time trying to develop a workshop from scratch. This done-for-you system makes it easy (and fun) to grow your business, gain exposure as an expert, and do work you're passionate about.

The first 40 licensees will receive nearly 40% off through Tuesday, October 4th (or which ever comes first - and they've been going fast!).

Act now to grab a spot at the super special rate. My colleagues, mastermind buddies, mentor and even lawyer have all told me that, even at the regular rate, this program is a steal. There's even a budget-friendly monthly payment plan to help you manage your moola flow.

Hey, if you're a little scared, know that I'm right there with ya! I'm stretching myself in new ways by putting this program out there and I know you are stretching, too. It takes courage to be doing your creative work in the world.

I hope you'll join me and the other fabulous licensees around the world in pioneering a new way of doing work!

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The Right-Brain Business Plan®

The Right-Brain Business Plan®