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The Little Focus Board That Could

Guest post by Kim Lampe

Question – With the many hats you wear, endless access to information and so much inspiration at your fingertips how can you focus on what really matters?
( pssst……I have a confession.  I was just going to give you a 5 step process to distraction proofing your environment, but then realized you were busy doing important stuff, so I decided I needed to get to the point with two photos, a short story and some food for thought.)
This is my focus board, for which I am now endeared and call, “The Little Focus Board that Could.”
To be completely honest the original intention for hanging the board, within eye shot of my work station, was to provide a target.  I didn’t have a plan for what I would be posting there. 
We had just moved and my new office/studio had a blank wall.  The little bulletin board was propped up against the wall in the corner.  My desire was to fill the blank wall with inspiring art.  The bulletin board was begging to be put to use.
I hung the board.
Intuitively I know, as do you, what is in my HEART and what that looks and feels like out in the world.   I have a visual that represents my HEART out in the world.  It is part of my Right Brain Business Plan®.
I placed that visual in the center of the board. 
Looking at that visual, I asked myself, “If I want to be “that visual” in the world what few things should I focus on?”
I wrote 4 things, one on each of 4 notes of the same color, and placed them around the visual.
Like a mind map, one thought leads to another and another and another.  The possibilities are endless.  The notes consumed the board and soon busted through the frame.
“OH NO!  My focus board just lost its focus!”
Instant mind chatter ensued.  “I can’t even stay focused….. etc and an so on……”
“Time Out!  Reframe!”
As creative entrepreneurs our ideas and inspiration can be endless.  It’s a true gift.  Let’s not stifle that resource.  The notes that busted outside the frame of my focus board are valid thoughts.  The fact that they fit outside of the frame, informed my thoughts about them, after I reframed my negative thoughts.
“They are for later, after I work on the ones inside the frame.” 
Once I forgave myself and focused on the inside, I gained more clarity and started to see results within one week.  This is embracing the process.
“Whatever you focus on expands.” – Christopher M. Knight
Kim Lampe, founder of Modern B*a*g Ladies is your trusted companion along your journey to the HEART of what matters to you.  She harnesses her 25  years of experience in business operations to fuel the success of women centric businesses.  She specializes in creating a safe place for self-discovery and self expression. www.modernbagladies.com

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