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The Life-Cycle of an IDEA

Hoo doodleGuest post by licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitator Ho’omalamalama Brown

Are you one of those people who get ideas all the time? Maybe you’ve noticed that someone had the exact same idea as you. Perhaps they did something about it.

Let’s do a doodle break down of an IDEA…
1. Inspiration – the “aha” moment that struck you.
2. Dream – this is when you daydream about all the possibilities.
3. Move or die – I don’t know how to say it delicately but this is the tipping point for all IDEAS. You have to add movement or take action. Much like a healthy body, movement is required for circulation and life. You cannot sustain life by sitting in the dream state of mind.
4. Do 1 small step at a time – if you don’t know where to start read a book, google “how to start _____” or ask someone for help. Little steps make the journey possible.

For those if you who signed up for the Premium group during the Right-Brainers Summit I will be doing a free TO-DOodle session. We’ll break down your big idea one doodle at a time.

Enlighten and brighten is the Hawaiian translation of Ho’omalamalama. As a performing artist and instructor of Polynesian culture Ho’o (ho-Oh) found her calling in the health and wellness realm. Today she extends that light into creative coaching utilizing the RBBP method, an effective way to help other creative entrepreneurs succeed. You can find Ho’o here: http://www.hoomalamalama.com/
Ho’o is one of our licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitators.
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