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Step Into “Bigness”

DoodleGuest post by licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitator Cass Mullane


During Jennifer Lee’s Right-Brainers in Business Livestream we were given the exercise of “tattooing” something powerful on our bodies. For me it needed to be challenging and important, something I was a little scared to do. So I wrote “Step Into Bigness.” That wasn’t so bad. The other part of that exercise was to take a picture and post it on Instagram. Well that was where the rubber met the road. Once I’d posted the pic, accountability kicked in and I asked myself how was I going to accomplish this “Bigness” thing?

My first step into Bigness: Write a chapter in an upcoming book about my Cool Stuff Jar.

Well, it’s done. The Cool Stuff Jar chapter is final and we’re getting ready to kick off the marketing campaign on July 21st with the print book being released in August at the eWomen Network Annual Conference in Dallas. Woo hoo!!

The process of articulating what’s been a habit for me for a long time was extremely enlightening. All along the way I kept asking myself “Why?” and “What did that do for me?” It was a great exercise to be the client for a while. I delved in deep and really grasped what that simple Cool Stuff Jar had done for me over the long term. The reality is it helped shape who I’ve become: a fun, strong, confident, creative, successful woman.

I knew I’d been playing comfortable and thinking small. True, I have clients in 12 different countries, but my mind monkeys were still swinging around inside my head saying, “You’re doing just fine, why stick your neck out and rock the boat?

But deep down I knew that I was here to do something more. My impact could be so much greater, so I tossed those monkeys a banana and set out to claim my Bigness. I’m still that coach from Colorado, and now I’m intent on having a much bigger impact.

My second step into Bigness: Shoot a series of short videos about the Cool Stuff Jar, mindset and business and make them public.

EEK! That, my friends, is a very scary thing for this introvert. But I did it anyway and I’m taking the bold step of saying… here’s the link to my first Cool Stuff Jar video.

It’s just me being me and I hope it will encourage you to make your own cool Stuff Jar and fill it with the wonderful stuff that makes each of our lives so rich!

My third step into Bigness: Launch a fresh online program, “Cool Stuff Jar”

I’m happy to say that this new program about business skills and mindset is in the final stages and will open up in the fall. Whew! Who knew what that little tattoo exercise would unleash? Thank you Jenn!

So, what are you doing to step into your bigness? Are there things you dream about but shy away from because they scare you? Here’s something to remember: when you do what you’re scared of you shine a light on those fears. And when those fears are exposed to light, suddenly they’re not so scary.

So go out and do something a little scary and step into your Bigness!

Cass Mullane’s calm, comfortable approach consistently yields positive results for clients. Her business and personal coaching practice, www.ProsperCreatively.com, specializes in delivering solid left brain business skills to right brainers and creatives in a fun, visual way. She’s the author of Cool Stuff Jar which is slated for publication in Spring 2014. You can also visit Cass on Facebook. Cass is one of our licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitators.
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