Guest post by by Cass Mullane, Accountability Coach, Right-Brain Business Plan® Licensed Facilitator, Prosper Creatively, LLC
You know how it feels when you see someone you care about finally coming to grips with a situation and arriving at a quality solution? You can see that a weight has been lifted, they are smiling and they give off an energy that is infectious. They are happy and practically bouncing off the walls. Don’t you just love to see that happening?
Recently, a number of my clients, friends and colleagues are finding great clarity on their vision for themselves. It’s a wonderful thing to watch, especially as I see the stress and confusion suddenly being replaced with calm and lovely smiles. I feel the positive energy flowing through them and I share their enthusiasm. I can see their success.
How are you feeling about where you’re headed for your foreseeable future? Are you still feeling uncertain and frustrated or are you relaxing into the excitement and joy that accompany a clear direction?
There are lots of tools that can help you get clear on your direction and your purpose. They can include things like vision boarding, meditation, journaling, mind mapping or slathering a board with sticky notes. They can center around picking a word or phrase for the next year, goal setting, strategic planning. It does not matter what the tool is, here’s the key:
1. Pick a tool (or three)
2. Do the work (Dig deep inside yourself)
3. Do the work (Create your plan)
4. Do the work (Make it real!)
Picking a tool is a simple process of trying out each option and determining what’s most productive for you. You’ll probably find that these tools have value for different tasks. You need to pick what works best for you. For example, I meditate at some point most every day to relax and clear my head. I use sticky notes and big sheets of paper to plan and I use vision boarding and mind mapping to lay out my direction. I usually achieve clarity on my direction and on what’s most important to me while I’m outside in the fresh air, whether it’s playing softball, taking a walk or just sitting on my deck watching the breezes waft by.
Doing the work means really digging deep and figuring out what’s most important to you. It means clearing away the fluff and other people’s expectations and diving deep into what makes your heart sing. It means really listening to what stirs your soul and welcoming that into being. What does your perfect day look like, taste like, smell like, feel like. Start seeing your success. The time you spend on this work is time extremely well spent.
Next comes doing the work to actually figure out how to go after it. Here’s where the rubber meets the road. You get to plan it out, put some dollars and cents to it so you know how you’re going to thrive financially and put a timeline on it so you know when things are going to happen. Do not be shy about this step. See your success. Dig in because this is where you get to see it all start coming together and moving from desire into reality.
Finally, start doing what you’ve planned out. I mean, really start executing your plan. Commit to it. Start making the content or the products, start connecting with the people you need to connect with, start generating the revenues and tracking your expenses, start designing the next launch.
Start seeing your success.
Cass Mullane is an artist with an MBA. Cass’ calm, comfortable approach consistently yields positive results for clients. Her business and personal coaching practice,, specializes in delivering solid left brain business skills to right brainers and creatives in a fun, visual way. She’s a best selling author, textile and mixed media artist and creator of the Cool Stuff Jar™ coaching program. You can also visit Cass on Facebook!