Name: Vanessa Sage
Company Name: Sage Life Consulting
Facebook Fan Page:
Twitter handle: @VanessaSageLife
Note from Jenn: Vanessa Sage is a Cohort in my current mentorship program and I’m excited to help her grow her creative business. I know you’ll enjoy getting to hear more about how Vanessa helps heart-centered entrepreneurs, creative dreams, and spirit seekers find magic in their every day!
What is your business and what makes your business unique?
I lead online journeys and pilgrimages for heart-centered entrepreneurs, creative dreamers, and spirit seekers to experience stillness, poetry, and compassion in their lives. I guide women to explore the places where they are, and inspire them to find the magic in their everyday. Starting from listening to their deepest heart’s calling, my work aims to create safe spaces for women where they are truly heard and emerge empowered knowing that they are the vulnerable and courageous great warriors of their lives!
How do you use your creative intuition in your work?
My entire business has been led and developed based on intuition. I knew that if I waited to have all the answers I wouldn’t start so I choose to grow and change publicly. Much of my intuition comes through writing. Writing and poetry are my spiritual practices and I trust myself most when I am writing. I talk about my heart a lot (or my “Soul Song,” which comes out of my latest program) because my heart is where all of my inner-honesty lives. I tend to be a cliff jumper and I jump based on an calling I just “know” to be right for me even if I have no idea what will happen next.
Is there anything you’d like to share about your Right-Brain Business Plan® in terms of what it’s made out of or how you made it?
My plan is a combination of words and images. Creatively, I think in both and I allowed lots of space for the words and the images to breathe. The images cames out of Jenn’s first visioning exercise where we saw ourselves in five years. I was surrounded by green, walking, and the words, “she sits and writes with flowers” became the basis for many of the images. I like having a big board I can look up at because I have a tendency to put away smaller things. I also created a digital banner that I use on my Facebook profiles because I’m on FB all the time and seeing it connects me to my plan in a very tangible way multiple times a day.
What advice do you have for other creative entrepreneurs?
Trust yourself.
Allow yourself to grow and be seen growing.
Know that it takes time (longer than you probably thought) to create a thriving business. As my partner likes to say, “it is a marathon not a race.”
It’s not always comfortable but it is so worth it to follow your passions and your dreams!
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
My next program, “Your Soul’s Song” starts July 1st and the details can be found here:
I’d love to get to know you!
Creative Resources
Click here for more information about Vanessa Sage.
Want to create your own Right-Brain Business Plan®? The Right-Brain Business Plan® Kit includes supplies to make your own accordion book style visual business plan.
For more support with developing your RBBP, check out the Right-Brain Business Plan® Home Study program.