Name: Mikki Baloy Davis
Company Name: Pamo Healing
Twitter: @mikkibaloydavis
Note from Jenn: I had the pleasure of meeting Mikki at the Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI) Conference in Atlanta in June. Mikki is a gentle, wise soul who does shamanic healing and energy work and officiates ceremonies. Plus, this lovely woman has a wicked sense of humor! Mikki is launching her new e-Book Office Shamanism soon. I’m getting a sneak peek now and it’s brimming with good stuff. Read on to learn more about Mikki and her delightful Right-Brain Business Plan®.
What is your business and what makes your business unique?
I’m a shamanic healer, workshop facilitator, and ordained ceremonialist. It’s work that’s beautiful, transformational, profound, common-sense, magical, ancient AND modern… I feel so lucky to get to be a part of people’s healing processes and to witness so much resiliency and revelation. Plus, it’s fun – my job includes playing with paint, talking about power animals, and writing wedding ceremonies.
How has the Right-Brain Business Plan® helped you? What is different for you and your business after approaching planning in a creative, visual way?
My background is in both theater and in non-profit management, so I have the organizational know-how to run an office, produce a play, and learn my lines (in fact, there were times I did all three at once). I’m perfectly capable of working in Excel and Quickbooks, but… ick. It just feels better to work with color, to see an actual material thing come out of the business planning process. It was easy for me to avoid the dry, “responsible” stuff before it became a labor of love and glitter. Now, I don’t need to avoid it. I have this tangible, pretty business plan that I can update at will, whenever I see another image that’s inspiring or have a great idea. It’s not so much a plan as a process – which is how I approach my work anyway!
What goals (big or small) on your business plan have you already accomplished or have made progress on?
I’m having some wonderful friends and colleagues in my upcoming e-guide, Office Shamanism: Big-time Energy Shifting, Inside and Out. I’ve also been keeping to my writing deadlines so that I can launch on time. I’ve made contact with a few of the people in my creative cohort for different kinds of support, and listed a bunch of places that might host my workshop so that I can send my proposal to them in the coming months. This is all in just the weeks since my RBBP class, and there’s a lot more good stuff to look forward to!
How do you use your creative intuition in your work?
My work is absolutely intuitive, from start to finish. There are ancient (read: time-tested) tools and techniques that I try to use impeccably, but ultimately every session, workshop, and ceremony is different from the last. I love to tap into the shared energy at any given moment, allowing the process to be collaborative. I intuitively create the space for change to happen.
Is there anything you’d like to share about your Right-Brain Business Plan™ in terms of what it’s made out of or how you made it?
I created my RBBP at the Creative Problem Solving Institute conference (where I was leading a workshop, as well). Jennifer provided all of the materials and we had a ball making art-mess in the midst of keynotes and hotel luncheons. It was so much fun to go home with this cool thing and show it to my husband, and see him get excited for me and my business, too.
What’s your vision for your business?
I want to continue to build my private consultation practice, working with as many people as I can in-person and by phone and skype. I want to bring my workshop, Journey to Your Muse, to major retreat centers and create a multimedia program on the same theme. I’m sure I’ll develop other workshops along the way. I’ll launch Office Shamanism and write other digital guides – one of which I’ve already outlined – and I’d love to do a few weddings, baby-blessings, and other ceremonies every year. I’m also hoping to continue to study the shamanic work of several different cultures to build a really big repertoire of techniques (a giant healer’s toolbox).
That should keep me busy for a while.
What advice do you have for other creative entrepreneurs?
Go where the joy is, because we’re here to thrive – not to settle. And if there are things that scare you or feel really sticky, there are ways to deal with that, to learn from and heal the sore spots so that you can move forward in doing what you love.
Is there anything you’d like to share ?
Just to check out my website I love to keep in touch.
Creative Resources
Click here for more information about Mikki Baloy Davis.
Want to create your own Right-Brain Business Plan®? The Right-Brain Business Plan® Kit includes supplies to make your own accordion book style visual business plan.
For more support with developing your RBBP, check out the Right-Brain Business Plan® Home Study program.