Name: Kristina Ender
Company Name: EndWell Coaching
Twitter: @kristinaender
Note from Jenn: Kristina Ender of EndWell Coaching exudes adventure, creativity, passion, and intelligence. When I opened up Kristina’s Right-Brain Business Plan, all I could say was, “Wowzers!” As you’ll see below, it’s huge, colorful, energetic, and bursting at the seams with inspiring goodies along with practical plans and information. I love how she consolidated all of her research and work into a format that she could easily look at and share with others. She even set a launch party to unveil her exciting plan to her group of creative cohorts.
One of her creative cohorts includes Rebecca Badger from last week’s spotlight. This powerful pair took my last e-Course together and show how helpful it can be to have a partner to brainstorm, plan, and play with. Read on to find out more about the fabulous Kristina and also about how you can get a buddy discount on the upcoming Right-Brain Business Plan e-Course.
What is your business and what makes your business unique?
EndWell Coaching is a coaching based business dedicated to helping clients discover their passion for living adventurous and creative lives.
I offer a unique blend of programs designed to aid clients in deepening their understanding of themselves, learning how to manage their mind, improving their mind body connection, and accessing creativity to enhance their results.
How has the Right-Brain Business Plan helped you? What is different for you and your business after approaching planning in a creative, visual way?
In addition to being a joyful process, the RBBP allowed me to take various threads of my business and weave them into a lush vibrant yarn. Prior to the process commonalities and overlapping areas of my work were not as clear to me.
This tighter weave is allowing me to refine my messaging and marketing to more accurately target my ideal customers. I’m also better able to cross promote to my exiting customers.
My excitement and joy about my work is at an all time high and it’s grounded in a realistic look at my business not some wishy washy fluffy process, (although the process was great fun!). I have a renewed commitment to taking my business to the next level and know it’s justified based on the work I did in the RBBP process.
What goals (big or small) on your business plan have you already accomplished or have made progress on?
I have begun the process of refining my brand and marketing with the support of an expert. A key learning for me was getting clear on where I needed to access support and which hired experts would garner me the biggest bang for my buck, and a branding/marketing specialist is clearly one of those areas.
Another goal is to actively engage in conversations with potential strategic partners. I clearly see the value of developing mutually beneficial partnerships and my cohesive RBBP view of my work is making finding partners much easier. I’m currently exploring two potential partnerships, (yippee!!).
(A third partnership has been explored and not pursued. My RBBP helped me quickly determine the partnership was not in line with my long range vision.)
How do you use your creative intuition in your work?
It’s starts with my daily “creative practice” which is a corner stone for my life and filters into my work in various ways from how I coach to what I blog about to promotional ideas. My creative practice is anchored to my vision board and includes a mix of contemplation, vision board activation exercises, journaling, movement, visioning, and meditation. My RBBP has been added to this mix. (It’s also every present in my office and I continue to marvel at how it inspires and creates clarity for me.)
With respect to services, I host vision board play shops around various themes such as ‘Your Vision for the New Year,’ ‘Create Your Vision of Happy Holiday,’ ‘Vision Your Ideal Life.’ These are typically half day play shops and are a blend of guided visualization, creative play, movement breaks, music, and sharing.
During my “Train Your Mind for Success” program I consciously avoid providing words, outlines, or slides. Instead I use mind maps with a predominance of images not words. My goal is to get clients out of the analytical and into the possibility. Just the process of participating in a presentation that isn’t the ‘norm’ seems to result in deeper engagement from the listener.
Thanks to the RBBP process, as “Train Your Mind for Success” evolves I see their homework becoming more visual and creating a visual workbook.
Is there anything you’d like to share about your Right-Brain Business Plan in terms of what it’s made out of or how you made it?
It’s uses the classic found image approach. What I found curious is I had planned to create a small, portable plan yet as my full pages came to life I wanted to use them, not recreate them or trim them down. The final phase of ‘pulling it all together’ was my favorite. I added an opening executive summary and all the elements created during the workshop. The end result is big, glorious, and not to be ignored! Which I love!
A bonus of it’s size and construction is that it works great as a presentation tool for introducing my work to others. I’ve done this twice and the responses have been engaging leading to productive conversations and decisions.
It’s also inspired a partner and me to create vision kites for an upcoming retreat we’ll be leading on the Oregon coast. We plan to use the kites at the retreat as well!
What is your business vision?
My business vision is to continue to grow this fun, fulfilling, and profitable practice while inspiring people to live adventurous and creative lives grounded in their unique values, hopes, and dreams.
Special Buddy Discount for e-Course
How about doubling your planning pleasure, by signing up for the upcoming Right-Brain Business Plan e-Course with one of your creative cohorts? You can meet in-person like Kristina and Rebecca do, or you can meet virtually via phone and/or e-mail, like other past participants have. Either way, you’re sure to accelerate your progress big time! When you register for two participants, you’ll get an extra $50 off (each person will save $25). See instructions on the registration page.
The early-bird special ends tomorrow, Tuesday May 4th, so sign-up now!