Name: Kiernan Antares
Company Name: Soul Whisperer & Soul Mastery Mentor
Twitter: @KiernanAntares
Note from Jenn: It’s always fun to see the different ways people make their Right-Brain Business Plan®. Here’s a peek at Soul Whisperer Kiernan Antares’ lovely plan. Even though Kiernan has a background in business, doing this visual and creative approach helped her develop an inspiring plan that she updates regularly. Congrats on all the goals that you’ve accomplished already, Kiernan!
What is your business and what makes your business unique?
Kiernan Antares is a Soul Whisperer and Soul Mastery Mentor helping people to discover their Soul Purpose and transform their lives for the past 15 years. Kiernan’s unique and powerful presence is expressed by combining and bringing balance to spiritual and real-world living. Whether through the written and spoken word or through her healing touch this modern day mystic and visionary is becoming widely known as a pure source of love. As the Soul Whisperer, Kiernan has an uncanny ability to get to the core essence of any matter and transform it into an expression of infinite love, beauty and wisdom. In your time together, she takes you into a sacred space of Spirit where she accesses your soul’s agreements and reveal your soul’s path; your purpose, lessons, and obstacles. She looks at where you’ve been, where you are today, what is out of alignment, and what you need to do to overcome your blocks and live the life of your dreams. At the same time, powerful transformational energies are at work clearing these blocks and aligning you directly with your soul and Higher Self so that you can move forward manifesting your purpose ~ with ease, grace and the full support of the universe behind you.
How has the Right-Brain Business Plan® helped you? What is different for you and your business after approaching planning in a creative, visual way?
I thoroughly enjoyed creating my Right-Brain Business Plan®! With a background in the business world, I’ve written my fair share of business plans and my biggest complaints were that they were rarely realistic or living and ultimately ended up in a binder, shelved until the next year – they were dry and uninspiring. With the Right-Brain Business Plan® I loved creating something that suited and inspired my inner artist and it is actually something I keep by my desk and review regularly. In simple terms – it makes me happy!
I update it regularly as I add or revise my business offerings because it inspires me to live up to my purpose of inspiring others. New ideas flow in more easily and as I open to the creative spirit it urges me to expand myself – to think bigger.
The words and images in my plan have meaning to me and I refer to it in everything I create. It’s allowed me to organize my thoughts in a way that keeps me focused, and yes, inspired.
What goals (big or small) on your business plan have you already accomplished or have made progress on?
I have completely redesigned my website and ezine with new branding that reflects my purpose and mission. I have a new Soul Purpose service offering that I am so excited about; in a creative download I was able to see how I could bring all my gifts together in a way that would make a far more powerful difference in people’s lives. I am in the process now of writing my next book, with plans repurpose it into a series of Soul Mastery coaching programs.
I’ve gotten more active with social media and relaunched my internet radio show. With my focus clear and concise my messages are now targeted and in alignment with my goals.
In addition, I’ve created a new ezine subscription gift – an eBook titled ‘The Master Key to Igniting and Unleashing Your True Calling with 5 Essential Strategies to Activate It.’
How do you use your creative intuition in your work?
I’ve learned not to force things. When I find myself pushing too hard and feeling frustration building I walk away from what I’m doing and give it to Spirit. Often when I do this I receive the creative inspiration I was looking for almost immediately. When I have questions, whether ideas or next steps I’ll sit in front of my alter to meditate, when I honor Spirit in this way the answers flow in before I’ve even gotten the question formed properly in my mind.
Is there anything you’d like to share about your Right-Brain Business Plan® in terms of what it’s made out of or how you made it?
I chose to create mine in a scrapbook format. Beautiful background paper helped to inspire my creative spirit. I clipped and pasted images and words from magazines or the internet. I added tables, charts and text for the content. My fun little extra was creating 10 cards that reflect my values all tied together with a ribbon. I keep them in an envelope pasted to a scrapbook page.
What’s your big vision for your business?
My big vision is to help thousands of people worldwide to discover, claim and live their PURPOSE, PASSION and POWER through writing books, radio, public speaking, coaching and leading workshops.
What advice do you have for other creative entrepreneurs?
Get clear on your passion and purpose, then get out there and live it. Let your Spirit guide and inspire all that you do. There’s never been a better time for the creative genius to be fully authentic and share their gifts so don’t wait or hide out anymore.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
I highly recommend the Right-Brain Business Plan®! It’s an amazing process that is both practical and creative – what a fantastic and winning combination!
Creative Resources
Click here for more information about Kiernan Antares. See her blog post about her Right-Brain Business Plan®.
Want to create your own Right-Brain Business Plan®? The Right-Brain Business Plan® Kit includes supplies to make your own accordion book style visual business plan.
For more support with developing your RBBP, check out the Right-Brain Business Plan® Home Study program.