Name: Chris Arcucci
Company Name: Mindful Living Arts
Website and Blog:
Note from Jenn: Chris Arcucci of Mindful Living Arts is a generous and creative soul who embodies the wisdom of yoga. She combines massage, private yoga, and lifestyle coaching to help people nourish their mind, body, and spirit. I’m super inspired by her beautiful yoga poses and her vibrant Right-Brain Business Plan. I know Chris is up to big things in this world and she is making a powerful, positive difference in the lives of many. Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu – May all living beings be happy and free. Namaste. (All images courtesy of Chris Arcucci.)
What is your business and what makes your business unique?
I am the founder of Mindful Living Arts, a Health and Wellness Studio in Walnut Creek, California. My business is unique because it is a private yoga, massage and lifestyle coaching studio for clients who believe their health is an asset that needs nourishment and regular care. I offer intensive massage packages, which reduce pain, manage stress and incorporate home care exercises in between sessions. The semi-private yoga classes are limited to four students, which offers the opportunity for personal attention, hands on adjustments and guidance to recover from injury. Students get to know each other and this creates an incredible support for making sustainable lifestyle changes. I integrate over 30 years of personal and professional studies, which facilitates deep transformation of long held patterns. One of my clients said, “The bodywork I have done with Chris has returned the full range of movement in my neck, something I had not had for over 20 years previously.” My intention is to create a sanctuary where self care is sexy and it is working!!!
How has the Right-Brain Business Plan™ helped you?
The Right-Brain Business Plan™ empowered me to see what I REALLY want to create with my business and to notice I was playing it “safe” with my goals and planning. The course gave me the courage to recognize my desire to support the health of my local community and the greater global community in more powerful ways. I feel infinitely more confident as I create training programs, healing products, and conscious community to enhance life on this amazing planet. I support women owned small businesses through micro-lending and have ideas to make an even greater difference. I am blessed to have studied healthy living and mindfulness for 30 years and I want to partner with organizations that bring health education to communities in need. It is exciting and scary to be clearing the pathway to my big dream!
What is different for you and your business after approaching planning in a creative, visual way?
I have been making vision boards since my teens and working with Jenn has helped me to clarify my business goals with a creative format that I enjoy. The process helped me to integrate my creative side with my business mind in order to manifest my vision. It is a powerful and potent program and I am so excited to see what will unfold for my business and me in 2011!
What goals (big or small) on your business plan have you already accomplished or have made progress on?
One of my goals is to lead creative and inspirational personal development workshops and this weekend I am co-leading my first Vision Board workshop!
I have launched a blog where I share insights, inspiration and wisdom for cultivating heath and wellness through everyday activities.
I started offering one-on-one Reiki Practitioner Trainings.
I have added 3 semi-private Yoga classes per week, which are nearly full in the first week of 2011!
I am finalizing plans for a semi-private Yoga Teacher Training in 2011, this will be a powerful opportunity for students who enjoy and delight in the intensity and intimacy of a small group program, this is a dream come true!
How do you use your creative intuition in your work?
Creative intuition is an essential aspect of my life and work! I maximize all the technical training I have with bodywork and movement and actively open to my intuition for what can best serve in the moment. Often surprising things happen during sessions, for example last night as I was internally asking for guidance from my client’s Spiritual teacher, I allowed by hands to be guided to facilitate the unraveling of muscle tension that decreased her chronic knee pain. I see creative intuition as vital to my success, from massage therapy, to lifestyle coaching, to yoga classes, to training yoga teachers and Reiki practitioners. It is essential that I cultivate the ability to be aligned and in tune. I feel blessed that creative intuition feeds my passion and purpose and are so deeply infused in my life and business.
Is there anything you’d like to share about your Right-Brain Business Plan™ in terms of what it’s made out of or how you made it?
My Right-Brain Business Plan™ is a in a large scrap book with images, writings, words, goals, dreams, aspirations and secrets 😉 I have crafted a box that is holding the ideas that are “still brewing”….the truth is the RBBP style has taken over my home and studio because I keep creating visual reminders to clarify my visions and to keep me on track. I love it!
What’s your vision for your business?
Mindful Living Arts inspires people to recognize everyday activities are opportunities to enhance health and radiance while reducing pain and stress. Our vision is to make empowered and life-enhancing choices, to educate and inspire people to touch, trust, move, breathe and eat for vibrancy and vitality. We offer healthy living programs and conscious products to support health & mindfulness. We are passionate about building community connection as an essential component for making sustainable lifestyle changes.
What advice do you have for other creative entrepreneurs?
Believe in your dream and love yourself with wild abandon!
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
I am so grateful for the chance to work with Jenn at Artizen Coaching, I would highly recommend the Right-Brain Business Plan™ as a powerful process to clarify and create your dream business. I am honored and thrilled to have the opportunity to share my story with you….. May I manifest my heart’s deepest longing to make a positive and powerful difference in the world through my creative expression & work, thank you!
Creative Resources
Click here for more information about Chris Arcucci
Click here for Right-Brain Business Plan™ e-Course and here to pre-order the book The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative, Visual Map for Success.