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Spotlight on Bobbie Legg of Inspired Journeys

Name: Bobbie Legg
Company Name: Inspired Journeys

Note from Jenn: Happy New Year everyone! If your resolutions include being more creative and adventurous, going on a retreat, or focusing on self-discovery, Bobbie Legg of Inspired Journeys has just the thing for you. Bobbie is a woman after my own heart – she combines yoga, expressive arts, psychotherapy, and outdoor adventures into life changing experiences. And her Right-Brain Business Plan is inside of a sparkly gold paint bucket adorned with a feather boa. What fun! I can’t wait for Bobbie to offer her first weekend trip. It sounds amazing. (All images courtesy of Bobbie Legg.)

Business Plan Spotlight

What is your business and what makes your business unique?

I am opening Inspired Journeys, a small business that combines outdoor adventure, psychotherapy, yoga, and the expressive arts for self-discovery and personal growth.  Inspired Journeys includes elements that I have found to be most instrumental for positive life change.  With my unique background and professional training, I’m able to offer an amazing blend of services catered to each client.

Inspired Journeys will offer day and weekend trips for individuals and small groups.  These trips combine yoga & self-discovery with outdoor adventures such as, horseback riding, canoeing, white-water rafting, surfing, skiing/snowboarding, and camping.  During the upcoming years, Inspired Journeys will also offer international trips that include cross-cultural immersion and exploration.

Each session will be tailored to the individual’s specific needs. An example of a day with Inspired Journeys might look like this:
9:00  Private Morning Yoga Session
10:00  Visual Journaling- focused on identifying current life strengths and struggles
11:00 Therapeutic Writing-focused on exploring desired motion and change in current life struggle.
11:30  Outdoor Hike through a wilderness sanctuary, this includes lunch; hike time can include discussion on personal struggles and desired growth.
2:30  Therapeutic Writing & Visual Journaling-adjustments are made to morning work to align with current growth and change
3:00  Restorative Yoga
4:00 Goal Setting, Letter to Self
4:30 Final Reflection and Relaxation
5:00 Return to the world restored, renewed, & regenerated

For the price of a day at a spa, Inspired Journeys offers a life-changing, transformative experience.

I am a PhD Psychotherapist, a Certified Yoga Instructor and a trained outdoor leader. I believe in creating a sacred space for each person to feel safe while facing difficult emotions and memories.  Every session is infused with warmth, acceptance, and compassion, and each person will receive the highest level of individual care.

How has the Right-Brain Business Plan helped you? What is different for you and your business after approaching planning in a creative, visual way?

I love using the Right-Brain Business Plan!  It helped me tackle difficult, but important business concepts such as a competitive market analysis, with depth and honesty.  Of course, it was fun and creative, but more importantly the assignments helped me begin charting my own course in the sea of competitors.

What goals (big or small) on your business plan have you already accomplished or have made progress on?

I made great business connections within my e-course.  By meeting professionals with different skills, I was able to develop a circle of inner advisors to give me feedback on my branding and marketing ideas.  I’m in the beginning stages of turning my business idea into a reality.  Completing the RBBP helped me develop a road map to follow on this journey.

How do you use your creative intuition in your work?

I’m intelligent.  I’m an amazingly hard worker.  I’m compassionate and kind.

As much as I adore these traits, it is my creativity and insight that has brought me great success in the business world.  It is what I’ve been told by my supervisees and my supervisors is irreplaceable.  By not limiting myself to left-brain logic, I’m able to creatively solve difficult problems.  The RBBP helped me to see that this talent will also be irreplaceable as I open my own business.

Is there anything you’d like to share about your Right-Brain Business Plan™ in terms of what it’s made out of or how you made it?

I wanted to create my RBBP in a bucket for two reasons.  First, I like the imagery of a paint bucket; I’m ready to paint my new business canvas!  Second, I wanted a format that could hold letter-size folders and my business materials.  I painted it with gold sparkles-it’s my pot of gold to support my business success!

My most important facet of my plan is my special goal box.  I think setting weekly, monthly, seasonal and yearly goals is crucial for my success.  I took a gold satin lined box that I received as a gift and wrote each of my goals on origami paper that snuggles within the box.  The goal box is placed on top of my RBBP bucket.  It is soooo visual, and I need that!  Out of sight > out of mind.  Right?

Inside my bucket is my vision, marketing plan, information regarding my team of supporters and collaborators, legal information, percolating ideas, my $$$ plan, and random resources that I may want to use in the future.

What’s your vision for your business?

I want to provide people the opportunity to experience the outdoors as part of their healing journey.  I want to provide people the opportunity to use the creative arts as part of their healing journey.  I want to develop a community of whole-hearted women and men that are able to embrace change and flourish.

I would like Inspired Journeys to offer day, weekend, and two-week trips that combine yoga, travel, the outdoors, and the creative arts to provoke personal growth and self discovery.

What advice do you have for other creative entrepreneurs?
For years I repeatedly stated that I only wanted to work for a non-profit and had no interest in pursuing entrepreneurship.  I realize that it was my own fears that limited my vision.  Perhaps Marianne Williamson’s quote is my best advice to myself and others:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Thanks to Jenn for creating a dynamic space for each of us to grow as creative leaders : )

Creative Resources

Click here for Right-Brain Business Plan™ e-Course and the Right-Brain Business Plan e-Book.

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