Name: Amy Riddle
Company Name: Magick Muse
Blog: Blog
Twitter handle: @themagickmuse
Note from Jenn: Amy Riddle participated in our Spring 2014 Right-Brain Business Plan e-Course and below she shares about her creative business and her RBBP. Amy is certainly a “magik” maker and is sure to inspire you.
What is your business and what makes your business unique?
My business is The Magick Muse. I am a life coach, reverend, creatress, teacher, writer, herbalist, and all out muse. To sound fancy and otherworldly, I am a Holistic Alchemist and Manifestor of Dreams. Transformation can only come from action. As a life coach, that’s where I come in. I co-create transformative action plans that allow folks to really live the life they want. Ultimately, all of my work is about living authentically.
Being true to yourself is the only way to be.
How has the Right-Brain Business Plan® helped you? What is different for you and your business after approaching planning in a creative, visual way?
I have so many ideas and things I want to do for my business, that I was all over the place. Now I have clear intentions and my goals are in order. The creative visuals really helped me. They are like creating a vision board for your business. I love having my Right-Brain Business Plan visuals by my desk so I am always seeing my vision right in font of me.
What goals (big or small) on your business plan have you already accomplished or have made progress on?
I worked on some re-branding and ordered new improved business cards.
I acquired a business coach.
My website is up!
I have joined 2 more social media networks, Twitter and Pinterest.
May 10 was The Magick Muse’s official launch date. I was a vendor and speaker at the Entrepreneurial Spirit Event in Asheville, NC.
How do you use your creative intuition in your work?
Creative intuition is a part of who I am. My special power is to help you gain clarity of your inner world, so you can effect change in your outer world. To be an effective coach, I have to be able to listen intuitively so I really know what the client wants.
Is there anything you’d like to share about your Right-Brain Business Plan® in terms of what it’s made out of or how you made it?
I’m a journal junkie, so I weaved all of the parts of my plan into a bright orange journal. It’s small enough that I can carry it with me and keep it at my desk.
What’s your big vision for your business?
The Magick Muse’s big vision is coaching and teaching. I will lead workshops, offer e-courses, retreats, and I am writing a book on living authentically.
What advice do you have for other creative entrepreneurs?
If you really have a dream, make it a reality. With focused excitement and commitment we have the ability to create whatever we want.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Thank you for the Right-Brain Business Plan knowledge and support. There is no turning back. Every single day I ask, “What can I do for my business today?” I listen for the answer and then I proceed with a smile.
Want to create your own Right-Brain Business Plan®? The Right-Brain Business Plan® Kit includes supplies to make your own accordion book style visual business plan.
Amy is the real deal, and she’s one of the most driven entrepreneurs I know. She is truly an inspiration.