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Spotlight on Amy Egenberger of Spirit Out!

Name: Amy Egenberger
Company Name: Spirit Out!, Inc.
Website: www.spiritout.com

Note from Jenn: Amy Egenberger is an insightful, intuitive, and creative coach, educator, artist and facilitator. I had the pleasure of having Amy as a participant in my last Right-Brain Business Plan e-Course and it’s been so cool to see her taking inspired action and getting so clear about who her perfect customers are — she even created clever names for them!

She’s got some awesome offerings coming up, including an Artist’s Way teleclass, so please read on to learn more about this wonderful creative entrepreneur.

Thank you Amy for sharing your wisdom!

Business Plan Spotlight

What is your business and what makes your business unique?

Spirit Out!, Inc. offers coaching, classes and learning tools that help creative educators and entrepreneurs find inner strength, self-knowledge and personal joy to energize their own creative journey.  What makes Spirit Out!, Inc. unique is the insight, passion and real experience that I bring to the liberation of spirit because I am on this journey, too.

How has the Right-Brain Business Plan helped you? What is different for you and your business after approaching planning in a creative, visual way?

Even before the plan was completed, the process of articulating what had been cloudy in my business by using colorful, visual and artistic approaches that are fun for me truly energized my business.  I had been stuck in a limited way of thinking about my work and this set me free like a real-life jail-break!  I felt very affirmed and inspired by what the tasks revealed about me and my coaching practice, and by what others in the class were sharing.

What goals (big or small) on your business plan have you already accomplished or have made progress on?

Getting clarity about my ideal clients has made the biggest impact on my business so far.

I am more open to the people I meet and can more easily describe who I work with.  I set the goal to have three more clients by the end of the month and I already have two!  I have teamed up with another coach, who during the course of the RBBP class transformed from competitor to collaborator, and we led a playshop together.  This has made me more open to the support of other co-professionals, and another coach have since teamed up as well.

Naming and claiming retired teachers who are longing to be of creative service is a relief.  I find that I open conversations differently, and have come to realize that I know many influential retired educators who are connected to many more.  I’m already slotted to be a potential speaker for my city’s association of retired teachers!

ARTpreneurs – spirit-minded people who have a creative calling, inkling or dream for making  a living who are ready for help and learning to move forward
EDuCREAtors – current and retired teachers who are spirit-based and longing to be of creative service in their lives ‘after school’

Having the visuals serves as an anchor for me that goes beyond language and logic to something stronger and whole inside me that encompasses my deeper purpose.

How do you use your creative intuition in your work?

I practice following my intuition throughout my entire workday.  From listing my to-do’s and timing my calls, I listen to the inklings that guide me.  Following the flow results in greater productivity and more ease.

Is there anything you’d like to share about your Right-Brain Business Plan in terms of what it’s made out of or how you made it?

My plan is an accordion-fold book with pockets that hold cards, images and details for Spirit Out!, Inc.  I consider the other creations (vision & values collage, landscape bulletin board, in-flow/out-flow chart, goal maps, etc.) all part of my plan as well.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I am very grateful for the high quality and thoroughness of the materials, readings and assignments in the Right-Brain Business Plan e-Course and consistent encouragement from Jenn throughout the entire course.

What’s your vision for your business?

My vision is for Spirit Out!, Inc. to grow into an increasingly vibrant and vital organization serving creative educators and artists across the globe.

What advise do you have for other creative entrepreneurs?

Bring what you need.  Listen to your intuition and experiences to determine what you are needing in your life and business right now.  That may be the very thing that you bring and can offer in service to others.

Resources for Creative Entrepreneurs

Amy is offering a brand new Artist’s Way teleclass starting July 14th! Visit her website for more information.

And if you’re interested in the Right-Brain Business Plan you can check out my e-Book or get notified when my next e-Course will be offered this fall.

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  • Lois Olson March 5, 2011, 12:21 pm

    I love how Amy said to pay attention to my intuition and let it tell me what I need in my life and business right now. The cool part is how that very insight could be exactly the same thing that others need which totally makes them my perfect customers. Yay!

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