Name: Kalema White
Business Name: Called Beautiful Creative
Instagram: @calledbeautifulcreative
Note from Jenn: I had the pleasure of meeting (and sitting next to!) Kalema back in 2014 during my London RBBP meetup and hearing about her inspirational card designs. Here’s a group shot of that fun afternoon (ah, looking forward to when we can safely gather in-person again!). A few years after that, Kalema and I had the chance to chat about her Big Vision at the time. I was delighted to get this recent RBBP update from her and to see how she’s really claiming her artist self! Woohoo! I also love how her RBBP journey shows us that visions unfold and evolve over time and how important it is to enjoy what you are doing. Thanks so much for sharing, Kalema! I’m so excited for you about this new direction and I can so feel the joy and creativity behind it.
This is part of a series of “Where are they now?” RBBP Spotlight posts that will be shared throughout 2021 in celebration of the Right-Brain Business Plan book’s 10th year anniversary.
What is your business and what makes your business unique?
Kalema’s 2020 RBBP cover declares, “I am an Artist!”
My new business has not started yet through this process I realised that I am an artist. Which makes no sense if you were consider that fact that I have a degree in Graphic Design, I have freelanced and up until a couple of years ago had an Etsy shop designing cards with inspirational messages! Because of choices I made out of fear I relegated my creativity to a hobby and then it died a very slow and painful death!
I plan to become a book artist and I will create beautiful pieces that tell stories, I’m still figuring out what these stories are!
How has the Right-Brain Business Plan® helped you? What is different for you and your business after approaching planning in a creative, visual way?
Kalema’s super creative Business Self Portrait from her 2020 RBBP
When I started this plan I had no idea about what I wanted to do, the plan gave me a structure to work through but also the freedom to figure things out as I went. I discovered what I really wanted to do and how I wanted to do it. I was able to dream big dreams at the beginning then work out all the small steps that I needed to take to get there.
As the plan was just for me I was able to express myself knowing that I was the only one that needed to understand it.
It was also a great tool to use to help me to communicate with my husband about my vision, once I had finished I did a show and tell with him and explained each section and he had an opportunity to ask me questions and make suggestions.
Tell us about your RBBPs through the years:
The cover of Kalema’s 2016 RBBP
My first plan was done in 2016 I had already started my business on Etsy but felt stuck and wanted to take my business to another level. The plan helped me to identify what was important to me and the direction I wanted my business to go in. As a result I did a redesign of most of my product lines and packaging so that things began to look cohesive. Sales began to steadily increase I received my highest order to date which was a sale of 200 units. BUT! as time went on things began to drag and I realised that I was not enjoying what I was doing.
The inside of Kalema’s 2016 RBBP
At the end of 2018 I decided to take a break to regroup and reorganise and see if I could inject some life back into what I was doing. It was only meant to be for a couple of months but it turned into over 2 years. In that time I attempted 2 more business plans but didn’t complete them. I also started to train as a life coach thinking that this might be the way I could redirect my business but this too became a drag.
Then the pandemic hit and although I was working from home I had a lot more time on my hands so I decided to do a few online creative workshops and I found that I was really enjoying them, something about painting and mark making resonated with me. I realised that I hadn’t felt this way in a very long time, not in my previous Etsy business and not as an aspiring life coach.
In September 2020, I began my current business plan, I had no idea what I wanted to do but that didn’t matter and it wasn’t the point. I wanted to just be honest with myself and see where that led me. The cover declares: “I AM AN ARTIST” – this was my realisation as I was putting the plan together. About a month after completing the plan I knew that I wanted to be a book artist, something I had loved doing when I was at University.
So my goal now is to develop my skills and get my work out there and see where it takes me.
The inside of Kalema’s 2020 RBBP
What advice do you have for other creative entrepreneurs?
It’s ok to stop. If there is no enjoyment in what you do then this is an indication that something is off and there are times when you will only be able to figure it out once you give yourself the space to do so.
Want to create your own Right-Brain Business Plan®? The Right-Brain Business Plan® Kit includes supplies to make your own accordion book style visual business plan.