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Spotlight on Jennyann Carthern

Jennyann Carthern

Name: Jennyann Carthern
Business Name: Paint Is Thicker Than Water
Website: http://paintisthickerthanwater.com
Instagram: @beingjennyann
Facebook: paintisthickerthanwater

Note from Jenn: Our next “Where are they now?” RBBP Spotlight is on awesome artist and art teacher Jennyann Carthern who has been a long-time RBBPer and was part of our mentorship Cohort Circle back in the day. She also participated in our Product Development Playground where she made several cool products including a coloring book and an e-course. I just love the story behind the screenshot below. Jennyann a guest on one of my webinars and that’s her showing me the visual she created to help her manifest her goal to one day be a panelist on one of my live video classes! So creative and fun!

This is part of a series of “Where are they now?” RBBP Spotlight posts that will be shared throughout 2021 in celebration of the Right-Brain Business Plan book’s 10th year anniversary.

Jennyann was a featured guest on a Big Vision webinar with me.

Business Plan Spotlight

What is your business and what makes your business unique?

Easter Paint Nite Canvas 2020

I’m currently relaunching my business Paint Is Thicker Than Water as a Virtual Paint Party Business to help Women escape the daily grind in exchange for fun, painting, and creative growth! Delivering two types of virtual painting experiences. One that forces you to start without a Plan called No Rules Paint Nite and your regular ol’ Step by Step Paint Nite! Along with Art & Art Kits.

My uniqueness lies in my vision. I’m creating a culture of creativity in the daily lives of women. I believe that the more you invite creativity into your life, the more it will start showing up for you on a day-to-day basis. Leaving behind joy and less stress in your life.

Both of my painting experiences challenge women to be brave, to commit to the process, and to just let go, have fun, and bond with new friends along the way!


How has the Right-Brain Business Plan® helped you? What is different for you and your business after approaching planning in a creative, visual way?

Jennyann’s RBBP 2011
The Right-Brain Business Plan really helped me have more fun creating my business. I’ve always been a visual learner, and learning, in general, has been somewhat difficult throughout the years. Only because I was trying to be someone else’s idea of what a smart person looks like.

Well, I now know that a smart person finds what works for them. The Right-Brain Business Plan works for me. It’s given me permission to bring more play into my life and my business. I’m no longer trying to put a square peg into a round hole. In fact, I’m designing my own pegs!

What has stuck with me the most is my project planning process, yearly vision board collage, and my right brain business accordion book. Even though I lose them all the time, they still manage to show up for me when I need them the most.


Tell us about your RBBPs through the years:

Jennyann’s 2020 RBBP

I discovered the Right Brain Business a little after graduating from Art School, sometime around 2010. It was a printable ebook at that time, that I downloaded, printed, and put together.

Later, there were summits, cohorts, and just a whole lot of fun. Including connections with other creative people, that I had been missing after leaving art school.

What I had then was a little blog I created called Paint Is Thicker Than Water. I shared things about illustration and what to do after art school and participated in Blog Hops. Little did I know, that years later, I would take that name and turn it into a Business.

In between that time, I did lots of independent illustration projects and collaborations with other illustrators as well. I also taught as a Teaching Artist.

I didn’t know it at the time, but the Right-Brain Business Plan was really my building block to what I wanted my business to feel like. It built a foundation for me and really revolutionized how I thought about what a business is and what it should like.

It took down all those walls that used to tell me that I had to act or be a certain way to run a business. This Weird Aquarian Introvert has created coloring books, taught workshops to educators, and shows up as herself in the world.

I wanted a business that I enjoyed. I enjoy making art, and I also enjoy teaching. So year after year, I continued to do that. The Right-Brain Business Plan kept those principles alive for me until I crafted something that was right for me.

Today, I’m relaunching my business as a Virtual Paint Party Business on May 13th!


What advice do you have for other creative entrepreneurs?

Jennyann’s 2017 5th Avenue Coloring Book

1. Be patient with yourself, if you don’t have it all figured out!

2. Take chances, and do hard things! I had to move my website domain from one website to another recently. I didn’t know how to do it, so I called customer support and asked them to walk me through it. Sometimes it’s hard to ask for help but do it.

3. Keep some things to yourself as you’re creating your business. Sometimes people assume or say things that could make you think that you’re wasting your time. You have to guard your mind, your vision, and your dream.

Check this out!

May 13th is the Big Day!
I am launching something Amazing!
A Virtual Paint Party Business!
Sign Up Here to get notified when I launch and get 30% off one of my Paint Nite Passes or Summer Art Kits that are coming soon!

Want to create your own Right-Brain Business Plan®? Check out our flagship course The Right-Brain Business Plan® Home Study.
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