The weekend of October 10th-13th I had the privilege of attending and speaking at the first ever Emerging Women Live conference in Boulder, CO. It was truly an amazing experience on so many levels. Mostly I was deeply moved by the powerful feminine leadership that was so alive during our time together.
You can get a taste of the event by signing up to watch on-demand recordings of most of the main stage speakers including Alanis Morrisette, Tami Simon, Christine Kane, Sera Beak, Tara Sophia Mohr, and yours truly now through November 13th.
Here I am with the gorgeous and graceful go-getter Emerging Women founder Chantal Pierrat. Chantal’s passion, heart, and embodiment of feminine leadership blows me away. I love that she felt called to bring this community together and took the leap from her VP role at Sounds True to make her vision a reality. And this is just the beginning! She’s got Emerging Women Power Parties springing up across the country and next year’s event is set to take place in New York.
I’m still pinching myself that I got to attend a small, intimate dinner with some of the speakers including the mega-inspiring Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love. She is so down-to-earth, wise, and hilarious!
Her keynote gave me the chills with all of the magic and miracles she shared about her creative process and how her new novel The Signature of All Things came to be. I had so many take-aways including to trust those moments of pure inspiration and to take action from that and also to honor your fallow periods because they are a natural part of the creative process.
On Saturday night we got to see the incredibly talented Ani DiFranco in concert. She was so close, we could’ve reached out and touched her! She certainly touched me with her performance. By the time she got to the finale with 32 Flavors I was in tears because it was just so amazing to be in her presence. I remember when I was just embarking on my personal growth journey how I used to play that song over and over again.
I loved getting to connect with Christine Kane who is such a rock star. We had met briefly several years ago at an eWomen Network conference, so it was cool to get to spend some time together during one of the speaker dinners where swapped stories about the enneagram and being sensitive creatives.
I loved her keynote about being the CEO of YOU and hearing her story of how she transitioned from being a musician to becoming a mentor to women. Not only is she super inspiring, but she’s also an extremely savvy business woman.
The interview between singer Alanis Morrisette and Sounds True founder Tami Simon rocked my world, too. I really connected with what Alanis shared about being a sensitive creative. I also really appreciated how she talked about her focus on relationships after having been so focused on ambition and success earlier in her career and her distinction between envy and jealousy. Definitely make sure to watch this juicy conversation. I also really enjoyed how powerful and authentic Tami’s closing keynote was as she connected us to our bodies and the present moment in a grounded and deep way.
The other thing I loved about this conference was getting to hangout with some of my favorite creative cohorts and also meeting new people. I’ve known the fabulous Melody Biringer since back on our Ladies Who Launch leader days. I’m always so impressed by Melody’s vision and ability to bring her ideas to life. She has reinvented herself yet again with her new endeavor Urban Campfire which brings women together to ignite their fire.
It was such a treat to finally meet some of my tribe in person as well! Here I am with Expand Outdoors founder Amy Christensen, Enfuse Jewelry founder Lynsey Morgan, and photographer Rebecca Stumpf (who you may remember from my CreativeLIVE studio audience).
And then RBBP facilitator and Prosper Creatively founder Cass Mullane joined our meet up a bit later. So cool to get to see her in person after all these years!
There is so much more I could say about the Emerging Women Live experience. I’ll leave it here for now and invite you to experience it for yourself by catching the recordings. Enjoy!