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Open for Business – A New Twist

mobiusmemoGuest post by licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitator Amy Egenberger

I think we agree. The creative path is not linear. It folds, turns, and spirals around in ways we cannot see.

Then why do we look for those linear connections? How come we get hooked on cause-effect thinking? We do marketing “Action A” and expect “Business B” to come in, immediately. 

Okay, sometimes it might work that way. But this summer reminded me to marvel at the mystery of something else at play in having business opportunities come our way unexpectedly.

Three clients came in that I didn’t see coming. Now, it’s not unusual for people to contract my services, but these three people seemed to come out of left field at a time when my marketing efforts have been in low gear. 

The first new client is a young woman who called me up to coach her through a threshold on her artistic journey. The last time I saw her, she was six and I was her first grade teacher.

The second person I met two decades ago at church, and then facilitated a visioning retreat for her company. Now near retirement, she hired me to coach her successor through the leadership transition as she passes the baton.

A third new client came as a referral from school consulting work that I’d done seven years ago.

On one hand we need to be out there, doing good work and sharing the story of what we offer. That outward direction takes action, perseverance and creative courage to mindfully get the word out.

The other hand is receptive, open to catch the peaceful opportunities that come back our way. Sometimes the connection is direct; sometimes it is not. That’s when faith comes in handy. We practice trusting that the well-intentioned, well-placed work and communication about our work brings value to others AND brings more business back around.

Put the work out there and the word will come in.
Put the word out there and the work will come in.

Both are true in my experience.

So what lessons do I glean from this windfall of peaceful opportunities? To persist in doing the work and sharing the word. To be patient as to when the return will come. To be grateful and open to the possibilities of those direct leads to turn, curve and take their time.

Make Your Own Memo
Here’s a simple device you can make. It reminds us to open up to new business in both linear and non-linear fashion. I call it my “Mobius Memorandum to the Universe.”

1. Take a strip of paper. (1/2” x 11” works fine)

2. On one side write what you are offering. On the other side, write the work you are welcoming in.

Here’s one example.

Offering Out: “Helping people find freedom, move creative projects forward, and shine spirit beauty.
Welcoming In: Ready clients, good consulting gigs, art buyers.”

3. Bring both ends of the strip together, and give one end a half twist before taping. See demo here.

4. Let the melding of the two sides remind you of the giving/receiving balance of being open for business.

May abundant possibilities ensue!

**Join Amy starting Sept. 9, 2013 for fun & focus to make your biz plan real.
Right-Brain Business Plan® E-Course

Making way for creative action, Amy Egenberger, MEd., CPCC, is proud to be a Licensed Facilitator of the Right Brain Business Plan®. She is a seasoned educator, life coach, artist and founder of Spirit Out! Coaching. Amy helps people find the courage and clarity to get moving on their creative path. A book, a business, a project, a change… your creative spirit gets out! Amy is one of our licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitators.

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  • Michael Nelsom August 30, 2013, 4:50 am

    Amy, what a fabulous post! Thank you for sharing your newly celebrated wisdom! Your words come at a perfect time and the fact that you crystalize what you say with a hands-on project for a visual reminder — well…mind blown. Wishing more authentic windfalls and creative journeys!

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