Note from Jenn: Since launching the Right-Brain Business Plan® licensing program at the end of last year, our facilitators have been using this creative and visual approach in live workshops and with individual clients throughout the world.
We have more than 40 licensed facilitators throughout the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia and it’s been so exciting to see them taking this work to their communities and helping people launch and grow their creative businesses. It’s so exciting that we wanted to give you a peek into their workshops here and in future posts.
In this post you get to meet facilitators Amy Egenberger from Minnesota and Michelle Rumney from London and hear a little bit about how their workshops are helping their clients get more focus and take more action.
Meet licensed facilitator, Amy Egenberger of Spirit Out!
“Another thing that surprised me was when one woman had been so sure-fired full-speed ahead with the idea of her business, that slowing down and taking a look the left-brain details was sobering in a good way. She realized where some of her blinds spots had been, opened her eyes and got grounded and re-energized to get into real action.”
“A favorite across the board is naming Creative Cohorts and Helping Hands. Yes! We are not alone! One participant came to the process feeling a bit burned out from going it alone in her business for several years. Several weeks later, she wrote to say, ‘I am working on 2 proposals to engage 2 interns to help me do some product development. I’m sure some of this stems from our work together at your workshop!'”
Here are some other exciting words from participants of Amy Egenberger’s workshop:
“Great class to gather all my ideas and a fun way to document a business plan. It was a wonderful feeling to leave with an action plan!” —Tanya Love,
“It was all valuable! A great place to start to flesh out the business stuff for new businesses and established.” – Jodi Reeb-Myers,
And you can see an interview I did with Amy on Livestream to hear her great tips for adding creativity into your business.
Meet licensed facilitator Michelle Rumney of Room on the Edge
Michelle Rumney: “My favourite part about leading the workshop was seeing people unfold during the day. At the beginning, a few people were unsure of what was in store and said things like “I’ve never done anything like this (collage) before” and “I’m no good at this sort of thing”. Of course, they were the ones who once they got into it and started enjoying it, wouldn’t stop collaging – it was hard to get them to leave at the end of the day!”“The other thing I loved was the way people eased into trusting each other as they settled into the workshop – it reminded me that I had brought them together and created the space for them to be here and do this – I felt tremendously honoured and humble about lighting these fires.”
“One participant has just started teaching a 14 part course at her local art gallery for MIND, a mental health charity. She has a full class already and sees it as her first step in her Big Vision of bridging art and mental health. She told me “I’m feeling I’m on the right path… the workshop has given me a lot of confidence – I have a waiting list for the next course!”
“Another participant told me today that the workshop helped her gain clarity in herself and stop trying to run two businesses at the same time. She was spreading herself too thin, and has since been focusing 100% on her radio show “DreamCorner” and now has four shows a week (she had two per week at the time of the workshop) and is seeking sponsorship to take it to the next level.”
Wow! Pretty cool results and outcomes from these fun workshops!
If you want to have new clarity, focus, and passion when it comes to your business, consider working with a licensed facilitator in your area, check out our directory and find upcoming workshops on our events page.