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Happy Holidays! What’s Your Plan?

photo by Stefanie Renee
Guest post by licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitator Cass Mullane

It’s that time of year… The Holidays!

Pretty soon we’ll be in the major rush that normally seems to accompany year end activities. Spending a few minutes now on planning how you’re going to invest both your time and your money can set you up for a lot less stress in the coming weeks.

1. Take a look at the big picture. Now is the time to set your priorities and to be realistic about what you’re going to take on. Figure out what your desired outcomes are and build your plan around them. Are you hosting visitors? Will you be entertaining for business or for pleasure? Will you be traveling? Who are you buying gifts for?

Think big, then simplify. This is a great time to get out the sticky notes and markers to help you get organized! Remember to factor in both your time and your money. If something does not support your desired outcome, then let it go!

2. Build your plan and let your big picture priorities guide you. Remember that this is your plan for your money and your time. Be selective about how you invest it. Take a look at your desired outcomes, break them down into smaller actions to be taken and put a timeframe around each action so you know when you need to have it done. Be sure to note if there is any money required to complete the action.

Make a point of getting others involved so the full responsibility for taking care of everything is not falling squarely on your shoulders. Enlist family and friends to provide helping hands and get early agreement from them to support the plan. Also identify any other support you may require to manage the physical, emotional and financial needs of the holidays.

The number one question you should be asking yourself during this process is “Does This Make Sense?” When you ask this question a couple good things happen: it makes you step back and look at the situation with less emotion, it engages the gray matter inside your head and it allows you to make better decisions.

3. Stay accountable and take the actions you said you would. Surround yourself with support and stick to your plan as much as you can. Check your progress against what you’d planned using a calendar and your bank balance. Make sure your timing is on track as well as your finances.

When you deviate from your plan, (and you will have deviations!) do your best to get back on track quickly. Ask your family, your friends and your accountability partners to help you. If it is not possible, then revise your plan to accommodate the change. Remember that the plan is flexible and is meant to help you.

On my website, www.ProsperCreatively.com, you’ll find a free download: “Top Holiday De-Stress Tips” to help you start planning ahead to make the holidays even more enjoyable!

Cass Mullane’s calm, comfortable approach consistently yields positive results for clients. Her business and personal coaching practice, www.ProsperCreatively.com, specializes in delivering solid left brain business skills to right brainers and creatives in a fun, visual way. Cass is is one of our licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitators.

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