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Good Fortune Telling

goodfortuneGuest post by licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitator Amy Egenberger

You crack open a cookie and the fortune is good. We like that, right?

What if the paper were blank?

Would you write a good forecast for yourself? Would you let your saboteur predict gloom and doom?

Clarifying your own good fortune is more than setting resolutions that often dissolve, or leave us feeling inadequate when we fail to honor those well-meaning promises to ourselves.

The shift we can make is to apply our resolve to the spirit of our good fortune intentions so that we feel empowered to co-create along the way and call in support on various levels. For example, if your intention is to create clarity in your workspace and calendar, then your eyes are opened in a new way to be able to recognize the resources that can help you. You meet a professional organizer at a networking event and choose to hire her. A fun calendar app comes out that’s perfect for your style. When you set an intention, you open yourself to the good fortune of the support coming your way.

Another example is an intention for financial freedom. Get ready to receive because the good fortune may come in a windfall (wouldn’t that be great?!). Or, it may come as light shining on the places where such freedom is absent so that you can take the necessary action to free yourself.

Intention sets your creativity in motion.

At a recent Right-Brain Business Plan® workshop, we literally stepped back form our big vision collages. With a hand up shading our eyes, we lean in and call out what catches the eye from across the room. The phrase “good fortune” pops out on my horizon. Imagine that! Yes, let’s imagine that for a moment.

What would good fortune look like for you and your creativity?

This doesn’t mean everything is perfect or without challenge. Sometimes it means riding out what at first feels like bad luck until the good fortune unfolds. Like missing your flight and getting bumped to first class. An unexpected car repair means you can get around safely with less worry. We do know how to look on the bright side.

But spelling out your own good fortune is more than putting a positive spin on the yucky stuff.

The power is in your creative intention.

Here’s a simple GIFT for creating your good fortune:

G – Good – Dare to imagine what would be good for you. Your intentions need not be grandiose or groveling, but simply good.

I – Intention – Set the tension between your current situation and your desired result. Like holding the knitting yarn just tight enough, you’ll be able to cast on each best next step as you go.

F – Fortune – More than just good luck, your fortune includes the wealth of assets and successes as you define them.

T – Telling – Tell your heart with pictures, tell your mind with words, and tell your body with a pose, gesture or dance.

What will you put in your New Year fortune cookie?

May you fill 2014 with good fortune!

Making way for creative action, Amy Egenberger, MEd., CPCC, is proud to be a Licensed Facilitator of the Right Brain Business Plan®. She is a seasoned educator, life coach, artist and founder of Spirit Out! Coaching. Amy helps people find the courage and clarity to get moving on their creative path. A book, a business, a project, a change… your creative spirit gets out! Amy is one of our licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitators.

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