In my Right-Brain Entrepreneur Mentorship Program, I’m always encouraging my cohorts to take risks and try something new to help them move forward in their business. So I modeled that today by trying out some new technology to host a video chat panel with some of my returning cohorts. (Please note that the audio is not ideal but hey, we gave it ago and I’m proud of that!). And here’s the chat log – thanks to Kitty Bucholtz one of our other returning Cohorts for capturing it for us!
Our new Cohort Circle kicks-off this coming Monday, June 10th and I wanted to showcase some of the awesome people who will be part of the program.
There’s still room for you! If you’ve been struggling to take your creative business to the next level and you know that having hands-on expert guidance will make all the difference, come join our circle. Plus, you’ll get to connect with and be supported by the following inspiring Cohorts who were featured in the panel along with a positive, caring, and intimate community of fellow Right-Brain Entrepreneurs who want you to succeed.
Amy Christensen is a certified life coach with a passion for adventure and helping women discover and tap into their own adventurous spirits. Based in Boulder, CO, her company, Expand Outdoors, focuses on helping women get outside literally and metaphorically: to step outside their comfort zones, take more risks (the healthy kind) and live a richer, more fulfilling, active, adventurous life.
Beth Barany is a Creativity Coach for Writers, helping authors with big visions write, publish, and market their books. What’s your big vision? To get started, get her Free Writer’s Motivation Mini-Course at
Bindi Shah has been teaching meditation for 10 years and uses it as a major technique in her life coaching to allow people to achieve their dreams and goals while keeping true to their inner selves. For more information, meditations you can download and to connect with Bindi see
Lou Shackleton (a.k.a. “Danger Lou”) is the Director of Opportunities at The You Can Hub, a non-profit community organization in the UK, and she is the creator of Danger Lou who battles the Robot of Mediocrity. Watch Lou’s super-creative Danger Lou video here.
Tammi Spruill, entrepreneur and owner of Fruition Creative Studio, creator of the Fruition Branding System and now focusing on helping start a BRANDvolution™, works with entrepreneurs who want to call attention to the things in branding that will pop and get you the second look. She helps them have all the key elements they need and moves them from ‘shame’ or ‘disconnect’ to light and forward movement in business because their brand speaks life. Tammi is also our Circle Coach who helps hold accountability in our private group every week.
Grab your spot today! The early-bird ends on Monday, June 10th so act now to lock in the most affordable rates. If you have any questions, please send them to my team at info @ artizencoaching .com.
P.S. – If you want to watch my free no-cost Embracing Ease video class which I mention in this panel interview, you can sign-up to access the replay here.