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Corralling Your Creative Cohorts: What I learned about collaboration from teaming up with creativeLIVE

All photos courtesy of creativeLIVE

Working with the top-notch creativeLIVE team to do the Right-Brain Business Plan® 3-day course in January gave me a whole new appreciation for corralling creative cohorts. So much goes into operating a complex business like that and excellent teamwork is vital to pulling off a production of that scale. The event was not something I could have done flying solo, that’s for sure!

Where in your business (or life) could you lean into some extra support and infrastructure? What would it be like for you to have helping hands shepherd your projects along?

I’m super grateful to the executives who brought me in, the producers, set designers, camera operators, sound and tech crew, marketing team, co-hosts, in-studio participants, make-up artist, magic elves who filled my tea and water on every break, and so many other folks behind the scenes who made sure everything ran smoothly.

Whether you’re wanting to team up with a larger organization like I did creativeLIVE, buddy with another solopreneur who has complementary offerings, or you just need a partner for a personal project, there are a few things to consider:

  • Know what you have to offer. Perhaps you have original content, a new idea, certain skills, resources, or connections. Be clear about what value you’re bringing to the table. This will also make you attractive to potential partners who may seek you out!
  • Articulate what you’re looking for from your strategic partner. What would you like your cohort to contribute to the partnership? What would complement your offering? What are the qualities you’d want in your cohort since it’s important there’s a good fit.
  • Build your relationships. Cultivate connections before even entering into a partnership. Effective collaboration needs a foundation of trust and that develops over time with each interaction.
  • Let go of control (or at least loosen your grip!). In a collaboration you can’t have your hands in everything. Allow each contributor to own their piece and lend their unique talents. You’ll end up with something far richer than if it was all you. During our prep I started to obsess about the set (even though planning physical space is not my strong suit!). But when I stepped back and let production team work their magic, I was amazed by what they custom built for the event.
  • Lean into support. If you’re used to going it alone, it can be a challenge to simply receive. Yet, that’s partly why you’re looking for help, right? Be open to assistance so you can stop bearing the burden all by your lonesome. Believe me, I felt so weird having someone steam my dress in the morning, but when I relaxed into it, I was comforted knowing I could eat my breakfast and prep for the long day ahead.

What could collaboration look like for you this year? Who are the creative cohorts you’d love to corral? And what is the greater impact you can make when you join forces?

And sometimes corralling your creative cohorts can be sharing awesome opportunities with special peeps in your circles. I had the honor of getting to invite a couple of special guests to the workshop.

Vivienne McMaster joined us live via video Skype on the first day and shared about her journey growing her creative business I know hearing her story helped others know that they are not alone when it comes to the ups and downs of pursuing your dreams.

On the second day Right-Brain Business Plan® licensed facilitator, yoga studio owner, and life coach Sharon Tessandori graced us in the studio with her wisdom and grounded energy. Sharon walked us through her path from teaching yoga classes, to launching her own beautiful studio, to leading retreats, training yoga teachers and more. She is certainly someone who knows how to cultivate multiple moola-making methods and to do it with heart.

Who in your circles could you spotlight or feature? It’s another great way to connect and share the love.

Have fun corralling your creative cohorts and seeing what more you all can co-create together!

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