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This special mentorship only Right-Brain Business Plan® facilitated e-Course starts April 8th through May 31st.

It’s a special, all inclusive bonus valued at $287, for the 8-month Right-Brain Entrepreneur Mentorship Program with Jennifer Lee starting in June 2013. Get a head start on your plan NOW in a rare facilitator-led session before we officially gather in our Cohort Circle in June.

Even if you’ve done an RBBP before, going through the process focusing on a particular product or service might help to breathe new life into your overall plan, which you know will be a great foundation for diving into more of the details in our Cohort Circle.

Takes the scare factor out!

If you don’t have a plan for your business, you need one. If you want to have fun learning how to develop a plan, take this course. This course takes the ‘scare factor’ out of creating a business plan. Jenn is a dream instructor and I am in awe of her genius in creating this course.

Tracey Asai, Tracey Asai Designs, www.traceyasaidesigns.com

Join a community of creative cohorts to help you launch and grow your business

You get the following (and much, much more!) from this e-course:

  • Detailed, do-able assignments… that deal with all the parts of a business plan, from start to finish
  • Intuitive exercises and inspiring materials… that tap into your natural creative genius, transforming drudgery into joy
  • Hands-on support, guidance, and accountability… from an experienced certified coach and licensed RBBP course facilitator plus the wisdom and perspectives of your fellow creative cohorts in our private online community
The most valuable investment I’ve made

It’s without a doubt, the MOST valuable investment I’ve made thus far launching my biz. The RBBP [booster] package, including two conference calls and extra materials, is worth every penny!

Beth DeZiel, Professional Organizer and Concierge, www.lassollc.com

By the end of this facilitated intensive program, you will have experienced how to:

  • Clarify your business values and vision
  • Paint a picture of your business landscape
  • Determine what products and services you’ll offer
  • Understand your competition, and what makes you stand out from the crowd
  • Identify who your perfect customers are and how you’ll reach them
  • Set and manage money goals that honor your values and align with your life
  • Select your circle of support to help you get the work done
  • Map out concrete action steps to bring your Right-Brain Business Plan to life

Course Outline:

RBBP Licensed Facilitator Amy Egenberger

  • Week 1: Intro and Crafting Your Business Vision and Values
  • Week 2: Painting the Picture of Your Business Landscape
  • Week 3: Getting the Word Out with Marketing: Find and connect with your perfect customers
  • Week 4: Managing the Moola – Color by Numbers: Develop a financial plan with fun and flair
  • Week 5: Corralling Your Creative Cohorts: You don’t have to go it alone
  • Week 6: Action Planning: Make your plan real with goals, strategies, and action steps
  • Week 7: Weaving It All Together: Put the finishing touches on your Right-Brain Business Plan (including tailoring your plan to suit the suits, if you need a more traditional format for a loan or investment)
  • Week 8: Celebration and Completion: Set the stage for continued success and sparkles
A valuable experience that provides direction and inspiration

Amy’s overall guidance and creative steps brought a particular clarity to the direction of my company. It was not just a crafty cut-and-paste project. It was so much more! I found the whole experience very valuable, and one from which I continue to draw upon for direction and inspiration moving forward with my fledgling company.

Lori Anne Yang, Mammaste®, Divinity in the Everyday! 

RBBP Facilitator Amy Egenberger not only led the last RBBP e-Course, she has 7 RBBP live workshops under her belt and has helped over 40 people unfold their business plans in person! You are in expert hands with this seasoned facilitator and leader!

You will need a copy of the book The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative Visual Map for Success to follow along with the program. If you don’t have a copy yet, you can order it on Amazon, or you can order it from me (PLEASE NOTE: After you register for the e-Course, you will receive a special discount code for getting 20% off of the book and/or the kit when you order from me).

What you get: All inclusive
Eight weeks of creative and practical assignments including inspiring, informational, and instructional videos plus juicy reading material.
Exercises and templates that cover the financials, marketing plan, competitive analysis, goal setting, action plans, and building a team (all in a right-brain, creative way, of course!) and fun illustrated play sheets.
Access to a private Facebook group to connect with and learn from the course facilitator and participants.
Two 60-min. live group conference calls with star RBBP facilitator Amy Egenberger to receive more personalized coaching, brainstorm live with your creative cohorts, get unstuck, and celebrate your progress:

  • Wed., April 17th at 10am Pacific
  • Wed., May 8th at 10am Pacific

(To convert from San Francisco, CA Pacific Daylight Time to your time zone, click here. Recordings will be provided. Long distances charges may apply.)

Follow-up material two weeks after the course to help you maintain the magic and momentum
Only included as a special bonus in Mentorship program starting June 2013 (not open to the public until the Fall) Regular price

RBBP Facilitator Amy Engenberger helped these workshop participants get unstuck and moving forward on their creative businesses. Just look at those smiles!

More buzz from past participants:

Have a better direction for my business

Approaching the writing of a business plan with a right-brain creative aspect makes it less intimidating and more inspiring. It certainly isn’t boring! I think the creative approach makes it more personal.

The best aspect for me in this class is feeling that I have a better direction for my business. It pushed me to move in a direction that I’ve been contemplating for almost a year. I also appreciated the discussion groups and the online friendships that I’ve established. I will definitely keep in touch with this group for their friendship, advice, and encouragement

Amy Crawley, Amy A. Crawley Fine Art, www.amyacrawley.com

Structure, inspiration, and the right mindset

I’ve written business plans before, but this helped me do it in a way that let me stay in the right mindset for the project. The old ways felt like trapping the creative flow in false structure that misled me. But my Right-Brain Business Plan not only provides structure, it provides inspiration and puts me in the right (ha!) mindset.

Tori Deaux, The Circus Serene, www.circusserene.com

Powerful, fun, priceless!

It’s a powerful way to re-connect with why you’re doing the work you do. (And it’s fun!) If your brand identity is a bit fuzzy, this will clear it up and launch you forward. In the end, my plan has become a tool for helping my support team, strategic partners, and advisers better understand my vision and goals….priceless! For the first time in 5 years, I completed a business plan and have a living document to use as a guide for the coming years.

Kristina Ender, Coach, Creative, and Mind Body Adventurer, www.kristinaender.com

With Amy’s help Maris had a successful gallery show, sold 5 paintings, and more

This was an incredibly productive and creatively fulfilling day with Amy Egenberger and a wonderful group – launching my art business plan starting with collage and glue sticks – yes the plan is working!!!

It has been two months since the workshop and I have had a successful studio gallery show and installation, sold 5 paintings, written two applications for Calls for Art for local hospital settings, have some new ideas brewing…AND the creative process alive!!!

Maris Gilbert, Artist, www.facebook.com/MarisGilbertArtist

About the course creator and author

Jennifer Lee, CPCC, PCC, MA, is the founder of Artizen Coaching and the award-winning author of The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative, Visual Map for Success. Her bestselling book has helped thousands of entrepreneurs around the world grow their businesses authentically and creatively.

Jennifer has been featured in Whole Living, Entrepreneur, Family Circle, Cloth Paper Scissors Studios, and Choice magazines, numerous radio shows, and on ABC7 TV.

About your course facilitator

Right-Brain Business Plan® licensed facilitator Amy Egenberger: Making way for creative action, Amy Egenberger, MEd., CPCC is an educator, life coach, artist and founder of Spirit Out! Coaching.

For more than nine years, Amy has been helping people tune into their inner wisdom in their work, relationships, art and home life to really ratchet up honest co-creative power.

Stop feeling so alone and gather around our vibrant virtual circle of fellow right-brain entrepreneurs for 8-weeks of intensive learning and action!

A huge sigh of relief!

I really enjoyed the course and found it immensely helpful. Your questions were very helpful in helping me envision and frame my thoughts. I love how you always encourage creative-thinking and value right-brainness – it’s a joy to be celebrated in this way!

This was fun, inspiring, and valuable. I feel a real sense of gratitude being able to approach the topic from a right-brain perspective, and being able to filter important business information through this lens just made me sigh with huge relief!

Deborah Weber, Temenos of the Blessing Light, www.deborah-weber.com

Felt motivated each week

I thought the whole course was terrific, I loved doing the vision board work and felt it helped me create the business I wanted. I love the feel and creativity you created for the course. The course material was inspiring and so enjoyable to work with.

I felt motivated every week. You rock Jenn! I have recommended this course to many. It has helped me focus and enjoy the process of putting a business plan together

Marlies Venier, owner of love this place, www.lovethisplace.ca

Focused and interested in business planning

I definitely appreciate the fact that this course emphasizes and acknowledges how important visuals are to the right brain person. This concept really helps me stay focused and interested in the planning process of my business. Phew! This is the furthest I have ever gone in the planning process. I typically don’t make it past reading the two words, ‘executive summary.’

Lisa Hause, Lisa Hause Photography, www.lisahause.com

FAQs for the Right-Brain Business Plan® e-Course

What’s the format of the e-course?

At the beginning of each week, you’ll receive an e-mail with links to that week’s assignments (week’s 2 and 3 will have an additional assignment posted on Wednesday). Each week will include a video, juicy reading materials, and creative exercises, plus some weeks will also have an MP3 audio file and fun playsheets (who needs worksheets when you’re doing right-brain business planning?!). You will also receive a mid-week and end-of-week check-in with additional exercises and suggested challenges. We encourage you to post your homework to our private Facebook group by the end of each week – not only will it help hold you accountable, but you’ll also get to be supported and inspired by your fellow creative cohorts.

There is no “scheduled” time for “class” except for the 2 group calls (which will be recorded in case you can’t make it live). You can do all of the assignments on your own time. Anticipate spending at least 3-5 hours (or more, if you’re super gung-ho!) each week on the course.

What if I don’t finish all of the assignments on time?

The course is meant to jumpstart your planning process and to help provide a structure to guide you along. If you’re not able to complete all of the assignments each week, don’t stress out – you can do them all on your own time.

What do I need to participate?

You will need a copy of the book The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative Visual Map for Success to follow along with the program. If you don’t have a copy yet, you can order it on Amazon, or you can order it from Jennifer (PLEASE NOTE: After you register for the e-Course, you will receive a special discount code for getting 20% off of the book and/or the kit when you order from Jennifer)

Technical requirements: A computer, reliable Internet access, and the ability to watch online videos, listen to MP3 files, and view PDFs. In addition, for Booster participants, you’ll need a phone (land-line preferably) to call into the group conference call and long distances charges may apply. We also recommend you print out the illustrated playsheets in color for maximum creative inspiration, so a color printer is ideal. You may want to have a digital camera or scanner to document and post your visual plan, but that’s optional.

Supplies: We’ll be doing various creative activities, so here are the basic types of supplies we’ll use – paper, pens/markers, magazines, scissors, glue, Post-it Notes, but you’re encouraged to use whatever materials that inspire you!

An open mind and willingness to have fun!

What if I have more than one business?

We know many creative entrepreneurs have a plethora of passions. If you have multiple businesses or business ideas, we suggest focusing on one business as you go through the exercises. It will keep things more simple and manageable for you. Once you go through the process for one business, it’ll be easier to repeat it again for the next. When you’re done you can look at both plans to see the big picture of your creative enterprise.

What if I’ve been in business for awhile already or if I already have a business plan?

The Right-Brain Business Plan® process can be used to flesh out a specific new product or service you’re wanting to offer or to explore how you will take your business to the next level. You will learn tools and techniques for approaching your business from a fresh perspective. If you’ve been feeling bored by your business or you’ve lost connection with your authentic expression, this course will give you the creative spark you need.

What can I expect from the course leader?

Licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitator Amy Egenberger will be the main course leader with RBBP creator and author Jennifer Lee delivering the recorded video segments.

Think of Amy as your friendly companion and ally who will guide you through the creative business planning process. She’ll offer lots of passionate inspiration along with practical information. She’s there to answer your questions as best she can, point you to additional resources, challenge you to stretch yourself, and facilitate group sharing and learning. She’s a seasoned RBBP workshop facilitator, so you can expect Amy to be caring, tough, and looking out for your best experience and learnings.

How can I get the most out of this experience?

Show up: Engage yourself fully in the process. Read the materials, watch the videos, do your assignments and post them on the forum, participate actively in the online community. The more you put in to this experience, the more you’ll get out of it.

Be curious: Ask questions and be willing to try new things, learn, and venture outside your comfort zone.

Offer feedback: If something isn’t quite working for you in the course, please let us know, offer a suggestion, and/or make a specific request and we will do my best to address your concern. This is a two-way street and we’re co-creating our experience together, so we invite your insights.

What is the difference between the Right-Brain Business Plan book, kit, Home Study, and the facilitated e-Course?

The e-Course is a facilitator-led program, whereas the book and kit are DIY. The Home Study version is self-paced with no leader responding to questions. During the facilitated e-Course you can ask your burning questions and get coaching from the leader online. Plus, you can connect with a community of other creative entrepreneurs who are going through the same process you are. Valuable learning, sharing, and brainstorming happens between participants and you might even find new business buddies. It’s a lot easier to get things done when you have the structure, accountability, and camaraderie of a facilitated group.

What if I can no longer participate in the course and need to cancel?

The course registration fee is non refundable. But, if for some reason you cannot attend, you can transfer your spot to another person before the course begins or you can use your registration fee as credit toward a future offering of this course.

Featured in:
The Right-Brain Business Plan®

The Right-Brain Business Plan®