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Dear Right-Brain Entrepreneur,

So now that you’ve started to create your own Right-Brain Business Plan®, I’m wondering if you’re looking for an additional ready-to-go income stream?

Have you been struggling to develop your own programs from scratch when you really want to focus on serving your perfect customers NOW?

Join me for an exclusive informational session about my licensing program.

Also, since I’m one of the few creative thought leaders out there who have implemented a licensing program, consider this an exclusive invitation to get an inside peek into how I’ve grown this innovative arm of my enterprise and be inspired by additional moola making ideas for your own business.

Register below to catch the replay and hear about a special offer.

This follow-up video chat is our chance to connect on an even more personal level since I’ll be able to read your questions directly in chat and respond in real-time. You’ll get the opportunity to find out how the Right-Brain Business Plan® licensing program can help you grow your business.

Raise your hand if you want to discover ways to increase your income by leveraging your right-brain genius.

In this interactive and content-rich session you’ll:

  • Learn how having a proven, done-for-you system, can give your business a jump start and accelerate your growth
  • Hear from one of our star facilitators, Amy Egenberger of Spirit Out!, about how the program has helped her increase her visibility and get more clients
  • Discover new ways to consider packaging your own content so that you can share your gifts with more people and make more money

Even if you’re not sure about whether the licensing program is right for you right now, I know that if you got something out of our 3-day creativeLIVE workshop this session will spark new ideas for how to expand your Big Vision and increase your income.

Come see why the Right-Brain Business Plan® process has inspired thousands of people from around the world and learn how YOU can play a leading role in this right-brain revolution!

Licensed facilitator Amy Egenberger (second from the left) will be joining me to share about
how this program has helped her get more visibility and more clients.

About Jennifer Lee

Jennifer Lee (she/her/hers), CPCC, CTRC, MA, is the founder of Artizen Coaching® and the author of Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way and the bestseller The Right-Brain Business Plan, which has helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs around the world launch their creative businesses.

After spending 10 years climbing the corporate ladder and getting tired of living her dream “on-the-side,” she took the leap to pursue her passions full-time. Jennifer has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report, Entrepreneur, Whole Living, Family Circle, Cloth Paper Scissors Studios, and Choice magazines, numerous radio shows, and on ABC7 TV and partnered with Levenger to develop the Right-Brain Business Plan® Circa® Notebook.

She received her coaching certification and leadership training through the prestigious Coaches Training Institute.

Jennifer is also a certified Trauma Recovery Coach, a certified yoga instructor, a certified Expressive Arts Facilitator, a certified meditation instructor, and holds a B.A. in Communication Studies from UCLA and an M.A. in Communication Management from USC.

She is a 4th generation (Yonsei) Japanese/Chinese-American, cisgendered, heterosexual, able-bodied, highly-sensitive/empathic, introverted, female-identifying person in mid-life. She lives on the Big Island of Hawai’i with her creative, rather left-brain husband.

Featured in:
The Right-Brain Business Plan®

The Right-Brain Business Plan®