Thanks for your interest in our Color Outside the Lines program.

Please check your e-mail for your confirmation message.

Once you confirm your subscription, you’ll receive a follow-up message to verify that you are on the waitlist. If you also signed-up to receive the Asian identity resource list, you’ll receive a separate message with that information. You’ll be able to unsubscribe from these lists at anytime from the emails.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use gmail and have the tab feature, your confirmation message(s) may have ended up in your Promotions tab. To make sure you receive all notifications and important information about your registration, you can drag and drop the confirmation message from “info@artizencoaching .com” into your Primary tab and you won’t miss a thing!

Your privacy is important to me and you can see how I protect it in my Privacy Policy.

If you need more help, please contact info @

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The Right-Brain Business Plan®

The Right-Brain Business Plan®