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photo1 Guest post by licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitator Ho’omalamalama Brown

Everything has a season or “Life-Cycle” and the more we understand it the better. The universe is governed by cycles and we live with-in that balance. Our delicate world is as fragile as butterfly wings and we can float or be torn on the winds of change. (Enough with Metaphysics 101)


Your creative energy will go through it’s own cycle’s filled with highs and lows. Even INSPIRATION follows the path of seasonal change. Perhaps you will find yourself in one of these stages. Here’s a simple description…

Aha – It’s that light bulb moment which can happen anywhere and at anytime. My “Aha” moments are often inconvenient and I’m usually scrambling for a piece of paper.

Heavenly – The daydream stage of “I can, I can.” This is where we talk to everyone about our inspiration and expect them to feel our joy.

Self-doubt – There’s usually someone in our close circle waiting to tell us “You can’t, You can’t.” Then we begin to doubt the significance of our inspiration or it could be more work then we expected. (Note: Flight or Fight, this is when we have to make a personal choice.)

Belief in Self – Determined because you found tools to succeed. Like surrounding yourself with positive people, redoing your RBBP or hiring a coach. What ever works for you. Stick to your plan and you will shout, “I did it, I did it!”

PEACE be the Journey,


Enlighten and brighten is the Hawaiian translation of Ho’omalamalama. As a performing artist and instructor of Polynesian culture Ho’o (ho-Oh) found her calling in the health and wellness realm. Today she extends that light into creative coaching utilizing the RBBP method, an effective way to help other creative entrepreneurs succeed. You can find Ho’o here: http://www.hoomalamalama.com/
Ho’o is one of our licensed Right-Brain Business Plan® Facilitators.
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