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The Letter Lessons in Patience, Persistence and Presence

NOTE: This post originally appeared in my Musepreneur column on the Wishstudio.

Dear Right-Brain Entrepreneur,

What do you envision for your business in the next year or two?

In January 2007, I wrote a letter dated December 31, 2007.  I described in detail what I accomplished as if it had already happened. I chronicled building my brand and my business, developing products, getting myself out there and enjoying a very fulfilling life.

Periodically, I’d pull the letter out and read it (in despair!).  “What was I thinking?! How could I define a unique brand when I’m now on month eight of my darn branding process?!  How am I supposed to complete and sell products when I’m overwhelmed by all my ideas and feel completely stuck?!”

After nearly two years had passed, I re-read the letter and realized how much had actually manifested.  Sure, a lot of it took longer than a year, but I was surprised that 85-90% had come true or was coming true in some form or another.

When I reflected on my future letter experience, I discovered three “P’s” that are key to visioning for your business (or your life).

Patience — Although some things happened for me on schedule or even faster than anticipated, the majority of it took time.  Sometimes the bigger vision has a delay.  You need to give your vision space to gain momentum.

Persistence — Thinking that the vision will progress in a specific sequence can lead to frustration when things don’t go as planned.  However by staying with it, you can start to see connections between various parts of your vision. So, forge ahead while holding your intention lightly.  You’ll be open to synchronicity and surprised by what unfolds.

Presence — Have a physical presence.  Build a website, set up an Etsy store, post flyers up for your workshop, go to an event and meet new people, dialogue on Twitter, have a booth at a show.  People won’t know about you if you don’t show up.  Showing up also means being fully present in the moment.  When you’re present, you’ll engage with people in a much more authentic way.  Ultimately, it’s YOU, not your marketing materials, who will enroll people.

So, I invite you to pick up a pen and paper, date it one year from now, and start crafting your future letter (or check out this nifty site FutureMe.org where you can write an e-mail to your future self!).  Include how it feels to have accomplished your goals and all of the steps it took to get you there (now that’s a fun way of doing an action plan!). Dream big and remember the three “P’s” of patience, persistence and presence.


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