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Roll-up your sleeves and come play with a community of fellow right-brain peeps while you get your business planning on in a way that works for you! Oh come on… you know you’ve been putting of doing your business plan. With this hands-on workshop you’ll finally get it done and you’ll have fun doing it!!

At this fun and engaging workshop you’ll:

  • Clarify your business vision
  • Paint the picture of your business landscape
  • Create your marketing plan
  • Develop your financial plan
  • Identify the action steps needed to bring your plan to life
  • Craft a visual business plan for your entrepreneurial success

Right-Brain Business Plan Workshop

This workshop is perfect for you if:

  • You’re a creative entrepreneur, artist, health and wellness professional, educator, coach, designer, freelancer, writer, photographer, non-profit leader or all-around creative soul wanting to make a positive impact with your entrepreneurial endeavors
  • You hate the idea of writing a business plan, but you know you need one
  • Numbers numb you out
  • You favor gluesticks and scissors over spreadsheets and slide decks

What past workshop participants had to say:

“The Right-Brain Business Plan™ is brilliant. It’s the perfect solution for any creative-minded business owner who wants to plot a plan for success. If you hate spreadsheets, feel overwhelmed when you think about sales reports, or don’t really know what a Profit and Loss report is, try approaching your business plan from the right-brain perspective.”

— Cami Walker, Author of 29 Gifts: How One Month of Giving Can Change Your Life

“The workshop presented a fabulous tool for accessing the non-linear wisdom and creativity that only your right brain has, and using this brilliance to fuel your entrepreneurial aspirations. If your business needs some creative fire, check it out!”

—Laura Parker, MFT, Creativity-Centered Therapy and Coaching (her Right-Brain Business Plan is in the photo below)

Workshop formats:

  • One full-day session (8 hours with an hour lunch break, pre-work required) OR
  • Two sessions spread out over two weeks (one half-day and one full-day) OR
  • Eight weekly sessions with online community check-ins in between sessions (first session is 3 hours, all following sessions are 2 hours)

Fees range from $367/person for full-day session to $797 and up/person for eight-week format. Supplies and materials included.

More info:

The 2011 workshop schedule to be announced by February 2011. To be one of the first to know about upcoming Right-Brain Business Plan™ workshops please sign-up to be notified.

To read more about past Right-Brain Business Plan™ workshops click here and here, here.

If you’re interested in leading Right-Brain Business Plan™ workshops in your area, please sign-up to be notified of our licensing program.

We also offer a Right-Brain Business Plan e-Course. Click here to find out more info about the e-Course.

About the course leader – Jennifer Lee, PCC, CPCC, MA
I’m a certified coach, author, artist, and yogini who believes in living life in full color. After spending 10 years climbing the corporate ladder and getting tired of living my dream “on-the-side,” in 2006 I took the leap to pursue my passions full-time and now help others do the same. I used to think that creativity and business were worlds apart, but the successes that followed my first Right-Brain Business Plan™ taught me that creativity and business go hand-in-hand, beautifully.

As someone who deeply values learning and personal growth, I’ve received my coaching certification through the Coaches Training Institute, I’m a certified yoga instructor, and a certified Intuitive Painting and Expressive Arts Facilitator. I also hold a B.A. in Communication Studies from UCLA and an M.A. in Communication Management from USC.

When I’m not coaching, writing, or leading groups, I’m either painting up a storm, reading in my hammock, practicing yoga, getting crafty, indulging in a mid-day nap, or hanging with my hubby and our adorable beagle-mix.

Featured in:
The Right-Brain Business Plan®

The Right-Brain Business Plan®