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Dear Right-Brain Entrepreneur,

Are you ready to get unstuck and to finally move forward with your creative business? The first step… Join us for a FREE and FUN video chat! You know, it happens to the best of us. Sometimes, we hit a bump in the road.

Right-Brain Business Plan® author and creator Jennifer Lee

We’re humming along in our creative flow and then suddenly… smack… we find ourselves overwhelmed and confused. Too many ideas, not enough time, and puhleez don’t even get that darn inner critic started!

Do you feel stuck in your creative business?

Have you been stalling on getting your much needed work out in the world, let alone putting together your plan of action?

Are you longing for simple strategies to help you sort through your big visions and ideas?

Then please join me and one of my star RBBP facilitators, Amy Egenberger, for a free, live video session where we’ll be sharing brand new teachings. You’ll learn a simple and easy approach for…

Getting Unstuck: Left-brain chill pills to move right-brain entrepreneurs from blocked to booming

Register below to join us live (and to get a link to the replay and chat log).

Sign-up for this free, interactive class
with RBBP creator Jennifer Lee and licensed RBBP facilitator Amy Egenberger

In this content-rich and engaging live class you will:

    RBBP Facilitator Amy Egenberger

    Learn why it’s natural to stall out or even take U-turns in the creative process (and how to make that work for you!)

    Discern between “being stuck” and procrastinating so you can stop wasting time on this internal debate

    Why accountability is so key to staying unstuck (and how to get that structure and support you so desperately want)

    Practice simple left-brain chill pills to move past fear and access your creative wisdom

You know how it goes… when you’re stuck, you don’t know what to do next, your creativity tanks, and you aren’t able to share your gifts with the world and unfortunately that can mean your business suffers or never gets off the ground.

That’s why it’s so important to learn these left-brain chills and to use a business-building process that boosts your right-brain and gets you moving!

RBBP Facilitator Amy Engenberger helped these workshop participants get unstuck and moving forward on their creative businesses. Just look at those smiles!

Here’s what past video chat participants have said:

It feels good to be moving forward! I’m focusing on a plan to help see what I need to do next!”

I got the motivation I needed to attack what I feared most, NUMBERS!! but I’m not so scared now :)”

“What surprised me: The sense of relief I felt being connected to others who are making a similar endeavor.”

“Jenn, I love your down to earth demeanor and approach. Have really enjoyed my first webinar with you – Thank you!!”

Please note: We’ll also be sharing about an opportunity to kick-start your Right-Brain Business Plan® and get your roadmap set for the rest of the year and beyond!

Left-Brain Chill Pills:

Don’t worry about missing a thing…

You’ll be able to watch the recording and read the chat log at your leisure if you sign-up.

About your video chat leaders

Jennifer Lee, CPCC, PCC, MA, is the founder of Artizen Coaching and the award-winning author of The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative, Visual Map for Success. Her bestselling book has helped thousands of entrepreneurs around the world grow their businesses authentically and creatively.

Jennifer has been featured in Whole Living, Entrepreneur, Family Circle, Cloth Paper Scissors Studios, and Choice magazines, numerous radio shows, and on ABC7 TV.

Right-Brain Business Plan® licensed facilitator Amy Egenberger: Making way for creative action, Amy Egenberger, MEd., CPCC is an educator, life coach, artist and founder of Spirit Out! Coaching.

For more than nine years, Amy has been helping people tune into their inner wisdom in their work, relationships, art and home life to really ratchet up honest co-creative power.

Featured in:
The Right-Brain Business Plan®

The Right-Brain Business Plan®