Netflix did not invent movies, they innovated how you watch movies. Steve Jobs did not invent the phone, he innovated the phone. Jennifer Lee did not invent business plans, she innovated how they are created.
There is such an important difference between innovating and inventing. Knowing the difference can make the idea of innovation much less intimidating. And when the intimidation factor is reduced, you can relax into innovation.
When you think about it, you are all capable of innovation because, fundamentally, you are all creative. Whether simply solving a problem using something in a new way (like blending paint with baby wipes) or completely changing up how something is done (like building a viable visual business plan), you are tapping your creativity to come up with innovation.
What else do you do that is innovative? I know many of you will immediately jump to the response, “Nothing.” I’d like to challenge you to look at what you do more carefully and look at what you do that others might think is different or creative or unusual. There may be innovation awaiting discovery.
A great example for me is my Cool Stuff Jar. I’ve had a Cool Stuff Jar for decades and it is a natural part of my daily routine. Early on, I didn’t think of it as odd or unusual, it was totally normal for me and I assumed that everyone had something similar. However, when I showed it to an online audience at a Right-Brain Video Summit a few years ago they responded in a way that surprised me. I had to take a step back and look at the idea of my jar a bit more analytically. It was then that I realized that what I’d done was I’d taken a little step to the side and that the Cool Stuff Jar was an innovation.
As a creative, innovation is more natural to you and you may not even recognize when you’re being innovative because it feels so natural. I had no clue that my Cool Stuff Jar was unusual, and now it has turned into a best selling book, a whole new coaching program and a restructuring of my practice so I can focus on helping others live a Cool Stuff Jar life.
What are you doing or have you done that’s innovative? Do you have a different way of using creative materials? Are you known for delivering workshops with a fresh look at content? Do you have an unusual use of an everyday product? What do you do that no one else does?
Once you’ve taken a look and identified a few things that you do differently, the first thing you need to do is celebrate your creative side. Give yourself a pat on the back and let your confidence go up a couple notches… you’ve earned it.
The second thing you need to do is think about how you can continue to enhance and strengthen your creative muscles. You can incorporate creative exercises into your daily routine, do an online challenge, join a group, whatever suits you. The idea is to make sure you’re continuously training your creative brain. The reason is not just because it’s fun, but because it puts you in that remarkable space where you are more open to relaxing into innovation.
Like many great innovators, Cass Mullane has the unique combination of being a strong creative as well as a strategic thinking MBA. After departing the corporate world in 2004, Cass built a thriving business and personal coaching practice that focuses on accountability and specializes in solid business skills for right brainers and creatives. Tapping into this whole brain approach has helped to make Cass a highly valued coach with an international clientele.
Cass’ International bestseller, The Cool Stuff Jar: Three Simple Ways to Live a Happier Life, is now out on Kindle! Keep tabs on the book launch and all the fun following the launch by visiting and entering your email. You can also follow Cass on Facebook!