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Dear Right-Brain Entrepreneur,

I know you have wonderful and valuable gifts to share with the world. In fact, the world needs YOU more than ever! You know that, right?!

6-figure success coach
and award-winning author Jennifer Lee

Perhaps you’re yearning to finally take your creative business to the next level but you’re unsure what’s next. Or you’ve been at your work for awhile but you’re tired of struggling to make a living doing what you love.

My new Cohort Circle is for you if you’re ready to take your creative business more seriously (while still having fun!).

In this 8-month program I’ll help you with the tactics of executing of your plan including developing and launching your offerings, building your list, and increasing your profitability.

Plus, I’ll be sharing some inside peeks into how I run my 6-figure business so you can learn from real-life case studies. This is one of the things my current cohort circle finds most valuable.

My own business grew significantly when I invested in a mentor and got the expert guidance I needed to get out there in a bigger way. That’s why I want to offer you an affordable way to get that support you’ve been missing and I’d be honored to help you make 2013 your best year yet.

Won’t you join me?

Ready to work with me and say yes to the successful creative business you’ve always dreamed of?

Or keep on reading to find out more details about how this program will help you. By the way, this is one of the only ways to get to work with me intensively as I’m not taking on any more new ongoing 1:1 clients. So if you’ve been wanting to coach with me directly, here’s your chance (at my most affordable rates)!

You know you’re at the cusp of making some big and exciting changes that will make a significant difference for you and your business

You yearn to make more moola from your creative work so you can enjoy your life AND continue investing in your growing company

You know that you need to be taking your business more seriously, but you’re not sure how to do it in a way that still feels fun and manageable

You know how helpful it is to have an experienced mentor and sounding board to get clearer on your idea, see things you just couldn’t see before, and take giant steps forward

Take your business seriously AND still have FUN!!!

You'll take your successful business more seriously AND still have loads of FUN!!!

6 Interactive Teaching Sessions will give you the guidance and information you need to build your thriving enterprise. We’ll get more in-depth with left-brain details and nitty-gritty tactics to take you beyond the business plan. You will:

Learn how to maximize your current moola making methods and identify additional ways to grow the green through new products and programs (including how to package and price them)

Learn how to build your list so you can reach your right people and grow your tribe

Learn how to craft your offers through love letters to your perfect customers. This is the right-brain way to creating effective sales pages with heart.

Learn how to hone your marketing strategy so you effectively engage with your perfect customers. We’ll cover nuts and bolts tactics all the way to putting yourself out there in an authentic and at times vulnerable way (don’t worry I’ll be there to give you a boost if things get scary!)

PLUS you’ll practice getting the word out and making offers throughout our work together so you can fine tine your message in real-time (this is one of the keys to accelerating your progress)

Learn how to map out your creative cohorts to ensure you have the right support in place for growth (successful entrepreneurs don’t go it alone!). I’ll be sharing my personal tips for hiring the right folks for the job and what to do when things go awry.

Develop (and stick to!) your action plan

Feel inspired and confident to take your business to the next level of creative, authentic expression, positive impact, and profitability

6 Group Coaching Calls will give you a safe space to ask your burning questions and get feedback from me and your fellow cohorts. You will:

Have a forum to implement what you’re learning in the program and hear how others are making their visions real

Receive accountability and challenges to accelerate your progress. I want you to get the most that you can out of our time together!

Be empowered to work through any of the emotional blocks that are keeping you from fully moving forward with your business

Be supported in celebrating your progress (because you know I’ll remind you of how fantabulous you are!)

Ask me your burning questions during our group coaching calls.
It's like I'm right there in the room with you!

Imagine… you could have a success story like these amazing business owners!

The Cohort Circle is a large part of Tammi’s support system

Being part of the mentorship group this year has been one of the best things I could have done for my business. Jenn’s gentle guidance and playful approach to business is refreshing and contagious. The active Facebook group is always available to provide feedback on project, accountability on goals, and encouragement when life gets rough. This group has been a large part of my support system and I know I would not have had the courage to be where I am today without it.

Tammi Spruill, Fruition Branding, www.fruitionbranding.com

Erica moved through the muck and launched her first product

There is something incredibly powerful about working with a mentor who understands the sticky parts of building a business and knows how to help you move through them. When I was stuck in the mud and the muck, unsure of how to launch a new product, Jenn helped me honor the message of the muck and showed me how valuable self-care is in moving forward. She helped me identify the next step and held me accountable for my commitments. With Jenn’s guidance and support I was able to launch my first product and build an even stronger foundation for my business.

Erica Holthausen, Chief Instigator, Honest Marketing Revolution, www.honestmarketingrevolution.com

Jenn’s hands-on, creative approaches are helping Vivienne finish her book proposal

Jenn’s coaching created a safe space for me to think outside the box with my business. During my coaching with her I’ve been working on manifesting one of my biggest dreams of writing a book proposal and she helped me create hands on, right brain steps that really lit the spark behind the project for me. I’m wildly grateful for her kind, compassionate and creative approach.

Vivienne McMaster, Photographer and Course Leader, www.viviennemcmaster.com

Virginia nearly doubled her income

As a result of getting into Jenn's RBBP basics, I moved into a community public art studio. I am in front of the public on a daily basis, selling my necklaces and giving monthly creativity workshops. PLUS by the end of 2011 I generated almost twice the amount of income that I had earned the year before! This venue changed the way I view business and most of all my view of me in it! And it’s fun!

Virginia Simpson-Magruder, Kentucky Girl Designs, kentuckygirldesigns.com

The Right-Brain Entrepreneur Mentorship Program starts on June 10th and goes for 8 months (with 2 months off of calls/teachings).

Group teaching and coaching sessions will take typically take place at 12noon PT on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday (the first one on June 12th). You can view the dates here.

The Shining Star level is limited to only 8-10 participants to ensure high-quality, personalized attention.

8-month mentorship program includes: Cohort Circle Shining Star
6 webinar teaching sessions (delivered live via video chat)
6 live group coaching calls
Downloadable worksheets and tools
Access to a private online community
Accountability, check-ins, and sharing takes place in between calls
BONUS GIFT: Participate in a facilitator-led Right-Brain Business Plan® course, valued at $287 (takes place April 8th – May 31st), plus access after that to the Home Study version (you get an additional monthly group call with the Home Study), valued at $147
BONUS GIFT: Right-Brain Product Development workshop simulcast recording, valued at $97
6 private 45-min. 1:1 calls w/ Jenn
valued at $3000 if purchased separately
A day-long virtual group mastermind retreat
A focused, intensive session to develop a moola-making method
A 90-minute group mastermind follow-up call
Pay in full (best savings)
Price goes up on June 5th
Cash flow-friendly option
Price goes up on June 5th
30-day intervals for each scheduled payment.
Payment plan via PayPal can be arranged, if needed
8 payments of $100
8 payments of $130
8 payments of $262
8 payments of $286

So to sum up, you get $530 worth of business-building bonuses
PLUS 8 months of coaching, teaching, support and accountability
to propel your business forward. All for my most affordable rates.

AND since you’ll be getting sneak peeks into material for my next book
(yep, I’m writing another one!),
mentorship participants will have the chance of being featured in my 2nd book, which will be great exposure for your business!

PLUS Guess what? If you’ve already purchased 2013 Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit Premium Pass OR the RBBP Home Study, you get to put part of that toward your mentorship investment. How’s that for putting some moola back in your pocket? Just refer to the e-mail from info @ artizencoaching . com with the details and special coupon.

Perfect balance of authentic action and deep self care

Jennifer provides the perfect, delicate balance of motivating me to take creative, authentic action in my business yet while still honoring the importance of deep self-care – inside and out. Since being involved in her programs, I have launched new projects, have a refreshed attitude toward my business and am seeing an increase of numbers in my classes and services.

Janine Grillo Marra, Tranquil Flame Yoga and Wellness, http://www.tranquilflameyoga.com

Cherry got the push to put herself out there

This group was the push I needed to just get out there and do it! I have been planning for a year trying to get everything perfect, but now I know I just have to put myself out there and see what happens.

Cherry Pfau, Integrative Cancer Coach

Just what the artist entrepreneur needs

This is not one of those scary, pre-packaged business advice ‘webinars’ that over-promise and under-deliver. Jenn Lee is incredibly generous with her insights and time, plus you receive high-quality materials and great videos that you can reference again (while it’s great to participate ‘live,’ nice to know that recorded access is an option). I really like the action-orientation and accountability (just what this artist entrepreneur needs). And it’s more than Jenn, it’s the amazing group of Creative Cohorts who are on this journey together. So thankful to be a part of the group.

Katherine Orr, www.katorriginal.com

Michelle took empowered action after just the first call

This was just the kick-start I needed to get refocused and recommitted to the parts of my product development and marketing plans that will reach more people and make more moola too.  Several posts have urged me to take action with key steps that often get stuck at the bottom of my to-do list and eat into my confidence.  My head shots are booked!  My action plans have been revitalized!  I feel like consistent effort over this year will boost my ability to focus, share my gifts and enjoy the next phase of my business growth in creative ways.

Your style of coaching and facilitating is fabulous, masterful, organized, and creative.  I love how you bring calmness and catalytic inspiration to take action all at the same time.  I went into the call feeling so overwhelmed by the process, and left feeling more focused, empowered and taking action.  My team has received several emails from me with this new direction and confidence this morning already, so I will have support from them too as we grow my business to the next level of its adventurous life.  Viva creative community!

Michelle Jacobs, www.actioninnovation.biz and www.creativitygym.co.za

Even if you help others, sometimes YOU need help getting out of your own way

As a coach myself, it’s easy to get lost in the work of guiding others and forget that I might need help to get out of my own way. Enter Jennifer Lee. With direct yet gentle nudging, clarity of next steps, and loving excavation of the source of the issue, Jennifer has helped me to create consistent movement from success to super success! I’m now showing up to my business with more vim and vigor. Thanks, Jenn!

Kerri Richardson, Intuitive Life Strategist and Writing Coach, www.kerririchardson.com

For a right-brain entrepreneur, creativity is one of our most valuable assets when it comes to running a successful business.

It’s always good to know a little bit about your potential mentors, so here are some highlights from my life as a right-brain entrepreneur:

My bestselling book The Right-Brain Business Plan has helped thousands of entrepreneurs around the world launch and grow their creative businesses

Unlike many other creative business coaches out there, I’m a certified coach who has received extensive training on how to effectively and skillfully help clients reach their goals more quickly

I have developed workshops, e-Courses, e-Books, tangible products, and coaching programs, wrote an award-winning book with New World Library, a well-known publisher, co-developed a product with Levenger, a national catalog company, partnered with creativeLIVE to deliver a Right-Brain Business Plan® e-course, and was a pioneer with hosting a video summit, so I know how to take an idea and make it real (and make money with it)

I worked for 10 years as a business consultant in large corporations including Gap Inc., Accenture, Sony, and HP, so I understand the complexities that go into making companies successful (from the high-powered board rooms to your kitchen table)

Through my licensing programs I have more than 70 facilitators who lead workshops worldwide based on my unique and visual approach to business and life coaching

Over the years I have invested in myself and my business by hiring specific coaches to help me through various stages of my growth (including life coaches, business coaches, a spiritual coach, a product coach, and a book coach). I appreciate having someone in my court who can help me reach my goals.

I’m an artist at heart, so I totally get how important it is to express your creativity in everything that you do and I’ve learned how to make that creativity work for me in my business

Through the 10 years I’ve been coaching and the 7 years of being in business for myself, I know firsthand the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial journey…

I’ve gone from coaching part-time while holding down a demanding day job (because I was too afraid to leave), to finally taking the leap yet struggling to come close to my cushy corporate salary, to building the thriving 6-figure (headed toward multi-6 figure) business I have today.

Have questions about the program? Check out our FAQs.

Jennifer Lee, CPCC, PCC, MA, is the founder of Artizen Coaching and the award-winning author of The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative, Visual Map for Success (New World Library, 2011). Her bestselling book has helped thousands of entrepreneurs around the world grow their businesses authentically and creatively.

After spending 10 years climbing the corporate ladder and getting tired of living her dream “on-the-side,” she took the leap to pursue her passions full-time. Jennifer has been featured in Whole Living, Entrepreneur, Family Circle, Cloth Paper Scissors Studios, and Choice magazines, numerous radio shows, and on ABC7 TV and partnered with Levenger to develop the Right-Brain Business Plan® Circa® Notebook.

Jennifer received her coaching certification and leadership training through the prestigious Coaches Training Institute. She is also a certified yoga instructor, a certified Expressive Arts Facilitator, and holds a B.A. in Communication Studies from UCLA and an M.A. in Communication Management from USC. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her creative, rather left-brain husband.

Stop going it alone! Join a vibrant community of fellow right-brain entrepreneurs and succeed together.

You know how isolated and frustrated you can feel when you don’t have supportive cohorts or an experienced mentor to turn to for guidance, feedback, and encouragement.

You need people who GET you and your crazy, big visions. And hey, it doesn’t hurt to even have an occasional (and loving) kick-in the pants from someone who truly wants you to succeed.

And I do truly want you to succeed! That’s why I hope you that you’ll join us and for 6 months of support and accountability. Your thriving creative enterprise is waiting for you.

Say YES to you and your business.

P.S. – Your time is now! I can’t wait to work with you.

Featured in:
The Right-Brain Business Plan®

The Right-Brain Business Plan®