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Longer version:
Jennifer Lee, author of  The Right-Brain Business Plan,  is a certified coach, writer, artist, yogini, and the founder of Artizen Coaching. Before pursuing her own passions full-time, she consulted for ten years for companies such as Gap Inc., Accenture, Sony, and HP, helping leaders and organizations manage change. Now she is on a mission to empower people to awaken their innate creativity and make a living doing what they love. When she’s not coaching, writing, or leading groups, she’s either painting up a storm, reading in her hammock, practicing yoga, making arts and crafts, or indulging in a midday nap (one of the fabulous perks of being self-employed).

Shorter version:
Jennifer Lee, the founder of Artizen Coaching and author of The Right-Brain Business Plan, spent a decade climbing the corporate ladder before pursuing her creative dreams. Through her popular workshops, coaching practice, and writing, she empowers others to follow their passions. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Connect w/ Jenn:
Twitter: @artizencoaching
Facebook: RBBP Facebook Fan Page
RBBP website: Right-Brain Business Plan
Video Summit website: The Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit
Coaching website: Artizen Coaching
Personal blog: Jenn’s Blog
Instagram: @jennlee (please note two n’s)

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The Right-Brain Business Plan®

The Right-Brain Business Plan®