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Dear Right-Brain Entrepreneur,

Are you feeling trapped in the money-for-time box?
Thank goodness there can be another way
Let me show you how...

I remember the stress of being trapped in the money-for-time box.

The only way to make more moola is to work with more clients. Yet there are only so many hours in a day and heck sometimes you just can’t attract enough clients (insert exasperated sigh here!).

Or maybe you make handcrafted items and you want to find ways to package your know-how so you can reach more people at once (I remember that, too).

I felt stifled because I had so much insight I wanted to share but could only help one person at a time. I knew there had to be a better way.

My business began to shift when I started creating products. In 2008, I sold my first e-Book and I’ll never forget how exciting it was to wake up to money in my PayPal account! Now granted, I didn’t make a fortune on that e-Book launch (like so many Internet marketers promise) nor was I expecting to. For me it was much more than money.

I discovered a new way to reach people around the world who needed to hear my message. I honored my own energy and found ways where I could actually be in more than one place at the same time. I built my business funnel and platform. I increased my position as a thought leader. And ultimately, that little 9-page illustrated e-Book became the seed for my best-selling book The Right-Brain Business Plan, which in turn became a foundation for hitting multi-6-figures in my business!

You, too, can package your gifts and teachings into an e-Book, e-Course, audio or video series, program, summit, kit, or other creative product so you can impact more people around the world, in less time, and make more money.

I show you how in my fun and intensive self-paced course The Right-Brain Product Development Playground.

I look forward to helping you get your gifts out in the world in a bigger way!

Find out more: This is for you if… | Why Products? | What You Get | Why Jenn? | FAQs | Register

Kiala launched 6 products in less than 2 years!

“As a multi-passionate right brainer I enjoy generating ideas and find that part extremely rewarding. But before I took the Product Development Playground workshop I had a difficult time making sense of the left brain logistics. I often came to a screeching halt and ended up with lots of cool ideas but not much more.

Thanks to Jenn and her step-by-step strategies for factoring in both sides of the brain I’ve been able to successfully develop and deliver six products in less than two years. Her experience with creating multiple tangible and digital products gives her a unique perspective on not only the creation of a product but on all phases of the process.

Jenn is an amazing guide who has taken a complex process and broken it into manageable chunks that will get you closer to having your product in the hands of your perfect customers in no time.”

Kiala Givehand, Creativity Coach and Mixed Media Artist,

This product development intensive is perfect for you if:

  • You now can’t work in-person and need to find new ways to serve your clients but you don’t know where to start
  • You’re frustrated because the market already seems over-saturated with “stuff” and you’re questioning whether you have what it takes to stand out from the crowd
  • You have so many creative ideas that you get distracted, overwhelmed, and disheartened and have yet to finish even just 1 of your projects
  • You’ve been spinning your wheels on a product idea for months (or years!) but are paralyzed by the details of making it real
  • You know that having a product would help you grow your business, but you don’t have a clue what you would even create (oh, I can just hear your inner critic mouthing off “Um, who do you think you are?! You don’t have anything new, original, good enough… to offer.” – don’t worry, we’ll bypass your inner critic so you can finally get your gift out there in the world!)
  • You’re sooooo busy working with your clients that you can’t find the time to work on your product (hint: You may not realize it, but you actually have been working on your product!)
  • You’re sick of the formulaic step-by-step methods that make all of the info-products look the same. You want to leverage your own right-brain genius to birth something fresh, uniquely you plus meaningful and valuable to your right peeps.

Tiffany has launched several digital and tangible products since taking the program

Jenn is a product genius! Not only does she break down all of the steps involved to get your product out of your head and into the people’s hands, she does it with humor and grace. This class was tremendously impactful and so much fun. I can’t wait to get to work!

If you have an idea to share with the world, you need to take this workshop. It will open things up for you in magical ways.”

Tiffany Han, Creative Life/Business Coach and Creator of 100 Rejection Letters,

Find out more: This is for you if… | Why Products? | What You Get | Why Jenn? | FAQs | Register

Products = next best thing to cloning YOU

When you create and launch your own products you can:

  • Help more people in less time (finally be able to be in more than one place at the same time without having to leave the house!)
  • Make more moola (and, hey why not make it while you sleep, too?!)
  • Establish yourself as a thought leader, increase your credibility, and expand your reach
  • Make it easy for curious customers to get a taste of you before investing in higher end offerings
  • Set up your smooth sailing systems so that managing orders, product delivery, and customer service are a breeze
  • Have something to sell at the back of the room when you do speaking gigs, workshops, or networking events, etc. (and by the way, you may get more speaking gigs once you have a product!)
  • Attract customers, media, and creative cohorts (I’ll tell you why having a product is the better business card!)
  • Have gifts on hand to build your list, offer as special bonuses, or use as prizes
Having products established me as an expert and helped to get me on TV, in magazines, on radio, plus speaking gigs and online features

Find out more: This is for you if… | Why Products? | What You Get | Why Jenn? | FAQs | Register

Even a 9-time knitting book author got value from this course

“I stumbled onto The Right Brain Product Development Playground workshop… with so many creative ideas for packaging my own teachings into ebooks, ecourses, and one-on-one mentoring programs for knitters and knitting designers/authors. I’ve been experiencing stress-free productivity and enjoying the process of creating new offerings and growing my business non stop!”.”

Donna Druchunas, Sheep to Shawl LLC,


Here’s what you get in the course:

  • Pre-recorded video teachings from Jenn so you can learn her real-world product development secrets firsthand including case studies on her products for behind-the-scenes insights you can relate to (you’ll realize you’re maybe further along than you thought!)
  • Right-brain creative exercises and tools to get your fabulous product ideas out of your head and into the hands of your right peeps – we’ll cover Idea Generation, Content Creation, Prototyping, Packaging and Production, Pricing, Smooth Sailing Systems and Launching.
  • Left-brain checklists to help you anticipate and track all of the details
  • An insider’s guide to tools, resources, and services that can help you finish, launch, and sell your product
  • A newly-added Quick Start Guide with tips to get your Minimum Viable Product (read: quick and scrappy product) out there faster than you think with little to no cost
  • Special access to a beautifully designed private learning management system to make it easy for you to reference the materials (plus, it’ll give you ideas of how you can present your own content)
  • 6 Guest Spotlight video interviews with cohorts who have launched their digital and tangible products – learn from their inspiring journeys and get inside peeks into their process (past participants have said this is one of their favorite parts of the course)
  • Access to 9 informative recorded group Q&A calls. Topics covered included: How to pick an idea? How to fund your idea? How to find the energy to create a product? What kind of lighting to use for videos? and much more.
  • PLUS you can get these awesome Bonus Gifts:

  • BONUS GIFT: Two replays of live group coaching calls with Jenn where you’ll learn from watching creative folks like you getting laser coaching
  • BONUS GIFT: Access to two sessions on Intellectual Property: 1) a video summit interview on Intellectual Property with David Goldsmith and 2) a jam-packed Legal Q&A video replay with Jenn’s attorney Kiffanie Stahle
  • BONUS GIFT: An in-depth, exclusive case study into the evolution of this very course (how meta!). It’ll open your eyes to what you can build with what you already have.
Through my video teachings it’s like I’m right there with you as I share my secrets to launching successful products.

Jennyann learned how to take her ideas and launch more than 3 products to-date

“I had a lot of ideas, but not any idea on how to turn these inspirations into products. I kind of felt like Humpty Dumpty. I had a huge wall of ideas to sit on, but when I got overwhelmed and slipped. I couldn’t put the pieces back together again. No matter how hard I tried.

Jenn taught me that product development is a language. I had to learn that language to move my ideas forward, and that’s what I did after the e-course.

My first product was a The Monster Chores Coloring Book, co-created with 12 other children’s book authors & illustrators. Jenn’s course helped me finally finish something. I no longer spend my days overwhelmed, stuck and confused. I now know how to take an idea, create a prototype for it, and test how it works, to see if it’s worth pursuing. This by far, has been the most valuable part of this course. On top of learning how to package, and set up distribution channels for my work, and creating a launch plan. Then actually launching!!!

Since I’ve taken Jenn’s course I’ve launched The Monster Chores Coloring Book, A Personal Art Project called Painting Black Faces, and just recently I launched my very first Mini 5 Day E-Course, called Starved Creative. I’m also diving deeply into my other offerings with more confidence & strength now!

Jennyann Carthern, Artist. Illustrator. Muralist.

Ready to dive in?

You can get started right away!

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Cash flow-friendly option
14-day intervals for each scheduled payment.
2 payments of $105
No specials on payment plan


Just so you have a sense of my product experience, here is an overview of what I’ve created over the years:

  • Wrote a best-selling and award-winning book with New World Library (it was the first time the publisher had produced a full-color book with illustrations and photos with this level of complexity, making it an innovative and trend-setting project) and wrote a follow-up book.
  • Co-developed the Right-Brain Business Plan® Circa Notebook with Levenger, a popular national retail and catalog company (I was of the 4 featured Thought Leaders in Levenger’s line of Circa co-branded products)
  • Developed and led several workshops that I’ve since transformed into info and/or tangible products
  • Packaged 3 of my most popular workshops into 2 licensing programs with facilitators worldwide
  • Created 3 tangible product kits which have sold around the world
  • Pioneered the video summit format as an interactive and engaging way to deliver content live and through an info product
  • Developed 2 e-books, e-Courses, a 10-month group mentorship program, and self-paced home study programs
  • I have also contributed to and have been featured in several books, info products, and summits, so I know what goes into making and marketing a collaborative project or joint venture.
I was one of the first general business instructors on CreativeLive when my Right-Brain Business Plan course aired in January 2013.


And your perfect customers are waiting to receive your gifts!
Don’t make them wait any longer!

Stop saying to yourself I’ll figure it out later, it’s too hard, or I don’t have time.

Creating a product can actually be much easier than you think, especially if you know how to get started and what to watch out for.

So, let’s get all of that great content out of your head and into the hands and hearts of the people you most want to help!

Let’s get YOUR products into the hands of your peeps now!
It’s easier than you think. I’ll show you how.

Find out more: This is for you if… | Why Products? | What You Get | Why Jenn? | FAQs | Register


Jennifer Lee (she/her/hers), CPCC, PCC, MA, is the founder of Artizen Coaching® and the award-winning author of The Right-Brain Business Plan: A Creative, Visual Map for Success. Her best-selling first book has helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs around the world grow their businesses authentically and creatively. Her second book is Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way.

After spending 10 years climbing the corporate ladder and getting tired of living her dream “on-the-side,” she took the leap to pursue her passions full-time. Jennifer has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report, Entrepreneur, Whole Living, Family Circle, Cloth Paper Scissors Studios, and Choice magazines, numerous radio shows, and on ABC7 TV.

Jennifer received her coaching certification and leadership training through the prestigious Coaches Training Institute. She is also a certified yoga instructor, a certified Expressive Arts Facilitator, and certified meditation instructor and holds a B.A. in Communication Studies from UCLA and an M.A. in Communication Management from USC. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her creative, rather left-brain husband and their sweet husky-lab mix.


What type of products will we be focusing on?

When we talk about products in this course, we’ll be referring to information products like e-Books, e-Courses, audio or video series, programs, summits, and tangible products like kits, books, journals, etc. that are based on your services, teachings, and intellectual property.

We will not be covering handmade products or mass manufactured products. I will offer resources and tips for doing basic production of tangible products like my Unfolding Your Life Vision Kit or Dream Box Kit but given that each product is different I can’t promise that we can go into specific production details for products that need to be manufactured.

What if I have more than one product idea?

I know many creative entrepreneurs have an overflow of ideas. If you have multiple product ideas, I suggest focusing on one as you go through the exercises. It will keep things more simple and manageable for you. Once you go through the process for one product, it’ll be easier to repeat it again for the next. If you’re having trouble picking one to try out, we can help you with that in the course.

What if I’ve been in business for awhile already or if I already have a product?

Even if you’ve been in business for awhile, launching a new product can help you grow your business and take it to the next level. If you already have a product, this course can help you create your next product as you add to the line of your offerings. You’ll learn how to apply Right-Brain Business Plan® tools and techniques for approaching your business and product development from a fresh perspective. If you’ve been feeling bored by your business or you’ve lost connection with your authentic expression, this course will give you the creative spark you need.

What’s the format of the Home Study?

Since the course is done at your own pace, there is no formal facilitation and you’ll have access to all of the materials at once.

To help provide some suggested structure, however, soon after you sign-up for the course you’ll be sent a few e-mails a few days apart (you’ll be able to stop them at anytime).

Each phase of the process will include a video, juicy and informative reading materials, fun play sheets, creative exercises and a left-brain checklist.

You can do all of the assignments on your own time. Anticipate spending at least a few hours (or more, if you’re super motivated!) each week on the course.

You’ll get pre-recorded video teachings and detailed insider-peek materials and case studies from course creator, Jennifer Lee, that you can watch on your own time.

You’ll get access to 4 recorded group Q&A calls that were led by Circle Coach Jeremie Miller, 2 recorded call led by Jennifer Lee and Circle Coach Susan Miller, and 3 recorded group calls led by Kiala Givehand.

What do I need to participate in the program?

A computer, reliable Internet access, the ability to watch online videos, listen to MP3s, and view PDFs.

An open heart and mind, a commitment to sticking through the process even when you feel stuck, and a willingness to have fun!

Optional/recommended: A copy of Jenn’s second book Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way. While the book is not required to participate in this course, we may periodically reference it to simply encourage further insight. Once you register for the course, you’ll get sent a coupon to receive 20% off a signed copy when purchased directly through Jenn.

What if I can no longer participate in the course and need to cancel?

The course registration fee is non refundable.

Before you sign-up, please make sure you’re fully committed to participating in and completing the course. If you need more information to help you make a solid decision, contact us with your questions.

How is this different from your other courses?

This course, the Product Development Playground Home Study is great if you are an existing business and you want to establish your though leadership. It helps you turn your special gifts, teachings, and know-how into tangible or digital products like an e-Book, e-Course, audio or video series, program, summit, kit, or other creative product so you can impact more people around the world, in less time, and make more money. The Product Development course specially covers taking an idea from concept, prototyping, testing, producing, and launching.

If you’re brand new to your business, the Right-Brain Business Plan® Home Study is a good place start because it will help you lay the foundation. The Right-Brain Business Plan® Home Study helps you get your business plan done in a creative and visual way. You’ll get clear on your big vision, your perfect customers, your general marketing plan, financial goals, and more.

If you want to grow an existing business, the Build Your Biz Home Study modules are a good fit. You already have a sense of what your business is and who you serve but you’re struggling with making sales, you’re uncomfortable marketing yourself, you’re frustrated with your finances, you’ve been stuck in the same place for awhile or you’re burnt out from doing too much.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?

We are more than happy to answer any other questions you may have. Please contact us at info @ and someone from the team will be in touch. Thanks for your interest.

Kimberly found focus and clarity to create and liberate

“I’m an idea machine. They’re constantly churnin’, many of which are nowhere to be found out in the world… yet. Jenn’s program helped me to navigate everything that’s flying around my head-space, with clarity and focus. My first product was The DIY Doggie Supplement Rack… complete with a beautiful and informative booklet (created by yours truly) and measuring spoons. I’m so proud of my project, especially since I’m helping to improve the quality of life of our canine compadres out there and bringing some attention to *their* nutritional needs (less food-like products, more real food!).

A big sincere and most hearty thanks for producing such a warm, judgment-free and inspiring space in which to “create n’ liberate.” Stay tuned ~ much, much more in the works!”

Kimberly Artley, Founder of PackFit, and Holistic Health & Life Coach,
Featured in:
The Right-Brain Business Plan®

The Right-Brain Business Plan®