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When deciding on people to hire or work with, do your homework but ultimately trust your gut.

Pay attention to how you feel when you’re connecting with them. Do they put you at ease? Do you know you’re in good hands? Or do you have some doubts or red flags. Listen to your intuition to make sure you’re investing in the right person for you and the job.

Take one dose of Right-Brain Booster as needed to enhance your creative intuition.

“Ask yourself how you want to feel when you’ve completed your business plan?” – Danielle LaPorte author of The Fire Starter Sessions

During her guest interview on the Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit, Danielle LaPorte invited us to ask ourselves how we wanted to feel after the session and after doing our business plans. Then she encouraged us write it out in a stream of consciousness and do whatever we needed to do to feel that way.

This is a great inquiry to ask when you start anything. It helps you set an intention for your experience. How do you want to feel at the end of today? What do you need to do to make that happen?

For Right-Brain Boosters on steroids, check out the multimedia library of interviews and discussions from the Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit.

Take one dose of Right-Brain Booster as needed to enhance your creative intuition.

“If I put on John Legend… then it immediately gets me in the groove.” – Pam Slim, author of Escape from Cubicle Nation

I loved this Right-Brain Booster that Pam Slim shared during her guest appearance at the Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit. She said she wrote her first book listening to John Legend’s record Evolver and she’s writing her second book to his latest Wake Up! Nothing like some good tunes to get your creativity flowing!

Here are some of my favorite songs that inspire me. And this post lists some of the groovy instrumental tunes I listened to while I wrote my book The Right-Brain Business Plan.

For Right-Brain Boosters on steroids, check out the multimedia library of interviews and discussions from the Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit.

Take one dose of Right-Brain Booster as needed to enhance your creative intuition.

“Do a brain dump.” – Julie Stuart of Making Ideas Visible

Grab a big sheet of paper and some colored markers and sketch out your ideas like Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit guest speaker Julie Stuart does. It will help you make sense of your thoughts and will also serve as a visual touchstone for your ideas and goals.

For Right-Brain Boosters on steroids, check out the multimedia library of interviews and discussions from the Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit.

Take one dose of Right-Brain Booster as needed to enhance your creative intuition.


“Whenever I need some sort of creative inspiration I just go to my bookshelf, I pick up one of my favorites books and I open it up to any page and then I just ask for guidance. The perfect answer is always on the random page.” – Laura West of The Center for Joyful Business

If you’re feeling stuck, follow the intuitive and insightful advice of my Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit guest Laura West. I did! I closed my eyes and pulled “Sacred Commerce” off my bookshelf and opened up to a page that says “Abundance is an inside job.” A perfect message for where I’m at in this moment. What message will you receive and how will it shift things for you?

For Right-Brain Boosters on steroids, check out the multimedia library of interviews and discussions from the Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit.

Take one dose of Right-Brain Booster as needed to enhance your creative intuition.

“Carve out the time and the space to BE with your spirit.” – Laura Hollick of Soul Art studio

I love this Right-Brain Booster that Laura Hollick shared in her guest interview at the Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit. She went on to say that, “it’s the BEingness that actually allows things to grow.” I couldn’t agree more.

For me this looks like creating white space on my calendar and guarding it as if it’s a not-to-be-missed meeting with my most important client! I also find time and space to be with my spirit when I spend relax outdoors – walking in nature, resting in my hammock, or simply breathing in the fresh air.

For Right-Brain Boosters on steroids, check out the multimedia library of interviews and discussions from the Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit.

Take one dose of Right-Brain Booster as needed to enhance your creative intuition.

“Free associate your ideas without censoring.” – Andrea J. Lee

If you have ideas dripping out of your ears like innovative leader Andrea J. Lee, then get a set of colorful, spiral bound index cards and jot down all of your ideas. Your creativity will soar, and your left-brain anxiety will calm down because you’ve captured your thoughts.

See Andrea share more of her right-brain boosters and success secrets at the Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit. Her recording will be up until 9:00pm PST tonight, so sign-up now to get access.

Take one dose of Right-Brain Booster as needed to enhance your creative intuition.

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