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Check your email to confirm your subscription

Thanks for signing-up!

Step 1:

Before we can send you your free gift, you’ll need to confirm your email subscription (we don’t want to send you spam!).

ACTION: Check your promotions tab (see image below) for the “Please confirm” email.

Step 2:

Once you confirm your subscription, your first email of the Right-Brain Business Bundle is being sent to your in-box (there may be a slight delay, so give it a few minutes). In the Day 1 message you’ll receive a special link to download all of the goodies at once plus the first of 7 lessons in the mini-course. Yay!

If you also agreed to receive our bi-weekly newsletter and occasional special announcements, we’ll send those to you with inspiring information and practical resources for your creative life and business and exclusive notifications about our latest events and specials. You’ll be able to unsubscribe at anytime by clicking the link in the footer of every email.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use gmail and have the tab feature, your confirmation message(s) may have ended up in your Promotions tab. To make sure you receive all notifications and important information about your registration, you can drag and drop the confirmation message from “info@artizencoaching .com” into your Primary tab and you won’t miss a thing!

Your privacy is important to me and you can see how I protect it in my Privacy Policy.

If you need more help, please contact info @ artizencoaching.com.

Featured in:
The Right-Brain Business Plan®

The Right-Brain Business Plan®